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I create, so I am – Baltic contemporary ceramics can be seen in the exhibition / Article

This year, the 3rd Latvian Ceramics Biennale is taking place, during which a large-scale exhibition of Baltic contemporary ceramics “I create, so I am” was opened at the Museum of Decorative Arts and Design.

In the 21st century, ceramics are becoming increasingly popular, especially in their contemporary expressions. Visual art researchers describe the ceramic renaissance as the “new video” and the “taste of the decade.” This year, in the program of the 3rd Latvian Ceramics Biennale, the Latvian Center for Contemporary Ceramics and Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Center in cooperation with the Museum of Decorative Arts and Design are organizing the Baltic contemporary ceramics exhibition “Creo ergo sum” or “I create, so I am”.

“Contemporary pottery is something completely different than we can imagine. Usually we associate ceramics with traditional forms, they are mugs, vases, bowls, plates, either utilitarian or decorative objects, but contemporary ceramics is where the artist talks about his ideas, concepts, ”explains Dace, a representative of the Museum of Decorative Arts and Design. Lavina. “Now pottery is one that goes beyond classical forms and is closer to fine art.”

Nineteen potters from Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia are invited to the exhibition.

Dace Ļaviņa provides an insight into the works on display in the exhibition: “When we talk about technology, the work“ Red Rain ”by Estonian artist Anne Tirna is very interesting, it is made of stone mass, which we cannot even imagine. There are such lace works here, and she has also used recycled glass, dropping it on top of these lace works. The impression is grand, in fact we have not seen such works in Latvia. ”

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Anne Türn (Estonia). Red Rain.

Photo: Publicity photo

“And from the structures we are very interested in the work of Dainis Pundurs,” the museum representative continues. “The structure is the basis of everything, and he is trying to show here how to master space, how to master the so-called emptiness, there is some kind of archetype when it comes to the Latvian puzzle.”

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Dainis Pundurs (Latvia). Porcelain and conscious dreams.

Photo: Publicity image

Showing the work of the Lithuanian artist, Dace Ļaviņa says: “It is very interesting here, because there are associations with graphics. The artist has used objects made of white clay, and then scraped all the fragments of the interior. After that, fragments of the interior were re-photographed and placed on the back in photographs on a “komatex” plate. “

“Lithuanian artist Izroildžons Baroti has chosen a socially active theme in his work” Integration “. to create such a figural composition, with people facing the wall, they look in emptiness, do not know further about their future, ”says Dace Ļaviņa.

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Isroildžon Baroti (Lithuania). Integration.

Photo: Publicity photo

Contemporary ceramics use a variety of materials and techniques, including 3d technologies. A representative of the museum explains: “Ceramics are usually thought of as an artist working by hand, turning ceramics, creating, but nowadays it is possible to create with a 3D printer. And here are the works of Estonian artist Lauri Kilusk. It’s also extremely difficult, because you have to know the technology very well, you have to know the software and you also have to work with the right clay mass. ”

Estonian ceramics classic Leo Rihlin, on the other hand, has moved from large-format aesthetics to a combination of hundreds of small details with meditative patience during his sixty years of work.

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Leo Rohlin (Estonia). Vision III.

Photo: Publicity photo

The exhibition of Baltic contemporary ceramics invites you to look at the act of creation as the basis of your existence.

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