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“I consider myself a political prisoner / Now in Romania it is a ferocious dictatorship”

UPDATE 16.20 Former PSD leader Liviu Dragnea left the penitentiary, after the Giurgiu Tribunal finally decided to release him.

Liviu Dragnea declared, when leaving the Rahova penitentiary, that “it was a period of 2 years of torment and suffering, abuse and humiliation”.

“Most of the population understood why they came here. When I left, Romania was a country full of hope, today freedom of expression is seriously affected “, said Liviu Dragnea.

Dragnea also said that he considers himself a political prisoner: “I entered innocently.”

“I was insistently asked to plead guilty, which I did not accept.”, Dragnea also said.

He stated that he would work for his son’s company, and said about PSD that after the period he was imprisoned, he found him “dusty”, “a puppet party”.

Most of all, says Dragnea, he missed his children and Irina.

Dragnea, about how he sees Romania and his return to politics

Liviu Dragnea said, when he was released from prison, that most of the Romanians now understood why he was in prison.

“When I left, Romania was a prosperous, high-income country that Romanians had, a country where there was hope, where there was a future, unfortunately today it is a fierce dictatorship, freedom of expression is seriously affected, it is pawned Romania’s future with such debts “, said Dragnea.

The former PSD leader launched an attack on the leadership of the party he headed.

“Unfortunately, there is no opposition. The PSD has become an operetta party, a party of cowards“, Said Dragnea.

He also said that he will enter politics if he finds the answer to two questions: “if I have someone else and if I have someone else for whom. PSD is a dusty party, without personality “.

Until making this decision, on re-entering politics, Dragnea stated that he wants to seek his health.

“My health has been severely affected here. I hope to find solutions and recover “, Dragnea added.


According to his lawyer Flavia Teodosiu, Dragnea will be released in a few hours after the decision of conditional release. Several supporters gathered at the Rahova penitentiary around 14.00, including his girlfriend Irina Tănase. Liviu Dragnea will be released soon.

Dragnea is serving a sentence of 3 years and 6 months in prison at the Rahova Penitentiary in the case of fictitious employment from the Teleorman Child Protection.

The parole process was moved to Giurgiu after the Bucharest Court of Appeal admitted the relocation request made by the former president of the Chamber of Deputies.

Liviu Dragnea asked the District 5 Court, in April, to be released earlier from the penitentiary, claiming that he had fulfilled the necessary fraction of 2/3 of the sentence.

READ ALSO Liviu Dragnea, threatened with rape in prison

READ ALSO “I’m going to take my husband home”, reacted Irina Tănase, Liviu Dragnea’s girlfriend, after the news of his release from prison

Former PSD leader Liviu Dragnea was sentenced, in May 2019, to 3 years and 6 months in prison with execution, in the case of fictitious employments from the Teleorman Child Protection Directorate. After serving his sentence, Dragnea repeatedly tried to obtain parole.

The former PSD leader had several conflicts with those in charge of the Rahova Penitentiary, initiating several lawsuits, on the grounds that he is not allowed to work in the car workshop of the prison.

The management of the penitentiary withdrew his right to work, after Dragnea gave an online interview to his former counselor Anca Alexandrescu, who became a journalist at Realitatea Plus.

Subsequently, Dragnea won several lawsuits with the penitentiary, the courts establishing that several rights were violated, including the right to work and medical care.

THE PROHIBITIONS established for Liviu Dragnea by the HCCJ

Until July 15, 2024, Liviu Dragnea has forbidden the rights:

– to be elected in public authorities or in public elective positions

– to hold a position involving the exercise of state authority

– to hold a position or to exercise a profession or to carry out an activity, of the nature of the one used in the file – president of the Teleorman County Council, president of the PSD Teleorman

What other FILE does Liviu Drangea have

– the file “Visit to Trump” in which he is sued by DNA in May 2021, for trafficking in influence and use of influence or authority by a person holding a leadership position in a party in order to obtain for himself or for another of undue benefit

– the “Tel Drum” file, which has been in DNA research since 2016, not being sent to court. DNA accused Liviu Dragnea of ​​forming an organized criminal group, using or presenting in bad faith false, inaccurate or incomplete documents or statements and abuse of office for the benefit of himself or another

Liviu Dragnea has 2 final convictions

May 27, 2019. Conviction of the HCCJ in the DNA case – “DGASPC” – to 3 years and 6 months in prison with execution, for committing the crimes of instigating abuse of office and instigating intellectual forgery.

April 22, 2016. Conviction of the HCCJ in the DNA case – “Referendum Fraud” – to 2 years in prison with suspension, for committing the crime of using influence or authority by a person holding a leadership position in a party, in order obtaining undue benefits for oneself or for another.

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