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I can’t remember when the US police accident Woods

‘Golf Emperor’ Tiger Woods (46, USA) was testified that he did not remember the time of the car overturning accident.

Sheriff Alex Villanueva of Los Angeles County, California, said in an interview with CNN on the 26th (Korean time) that “Woods couldn’t remember at the time of the accident because of questions from investigators at the hospital.” Deputy Director Carlos Gonzalez County Sheriff’s Office also expressed the view that “It is difficult to say that Woods knew how much he was hurt at the time of the accident.” On the 24th, Woods suffered an accident in which the vehicle overturned while driving downhill driving a sports utility vehicle (SUV) in Los Angeles County. Woods, who was urgently transferred to the hospital and undergoing surgery, suffered severe injuries to her right leg and ankle, and is expected to take months to walk again.

In the medical community, there have been analyzes that Woods is difficult to return as a golf player. The sheriff’s testimony that Woods was not able to remember the accident was somewhat surprising, compared to what is known to have given his name to rescue workers at the time of the accident. American magazine People quoted a source close to Woods, saying, “Woods doesn’t want his golf life to end this way.”

Reporter Kim Soon-shin [email protected]

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