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“I can make your blood run cold”

Anthony Hopkins, the interpreter of the film The Silence of the Lambs and the Remains of the Day, Oscar winner at the end of April for The Father, promotes Florian Zeller’s film, itself the best screenplay award. He fascinates the Cross, the World, the Figaro.

Anthony Hopkins : « if I stare at a dog, it will end up attacking me, because it will feel in danger ”

In Le Monde, Anthony Hopkins is asked how he got into the mind of an old man suffering from senile dementia, that is the subject of the film. Here is Anthony Hopkins’ response: “I totally identified with my father. Of course, I don’t suffer from dementia… On the set, I thought a lot about him, his mood swings, his fear of dying. I’m fine, he said, leave me alone! The only freedom I took, with respect to the script, was to specify the exact day of my birth, when the doctor asks me: Friday, December 31, 1937. It was a question of proving that I was perfectly well! “.

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A little further on, the World asks Anthony Hopkins how his character of a senile old man can be so scary when he gets into a rage, response from the interpreter of Hannibal the cannibal: “I can make your blood run cold, it’s true”. [Il regarde l’écran, sans rien dire, ni ciller] “It’s instinctive, almost animal. I am neither a psychologist nor a zoologist, but I understand the power of stillness and threat: if I stare at a dog, it will end up attacking me, because it will feel in danger. As a child, I was not very good in class. I was harassed by my teachers and my classmates: so I stared at them in silence. And they stopped. “

David abiker

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