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“I battled cocaine and alcohol addiction … I felt lost”

Cooper thanked Will Arnett

for helping him out of the tunnel he fell into and recounting how in 2004, the actor and friend had stopped at his house noting that although it was late afternoon he hadn’t taken the dogs out yet: “That was the first time. that I realized I had a drug and alcohol problem. Arnett helped me make it happen … “the star said.

“A Star is born”

: “It was Will who put me in front of reality, I’ll never forget it … He changed my whole life”.

The actor then revealed how it took some time to realize he wasn’t “really himself”: “My self-esteem was at zero. While I was in Los Angeles to shoot ‘Alias” I felt like I was back in high school. I was totally depressed and it went on like this for a long time … Before I really realized I was on the wrong path. I had the advantage of that happening when I was 29, “he added. Since that time, Cooper has earned an Oscar for his acting and garnered praise for his work as a director on his debut film,” A Star Is Born “.

The turning point almost 10 years later with “Hangover”, which for Cooper was the beginning of fame and sobriety.

The actor had already talked about his addiction problems in 2013 in a long interview with GQ in which he stated: “I don’t drink or do drugs anymore. Sobriety is a great thing … At one point I realized that by continuing on that road would have ruined my life “.

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