Home » World » I ask the Greeks: Why did you let Lavrov fly over you? You are an old member of NATO and the EU, and now you have become a Putinist!? – 2024-04-06 04:04:05

I ask the Greeks: Why did you let Lavrov fly over you? You are an old member of NATO and the EU, and now you have become a Putinist!? – 2024-04-06 04:04:05

/ world today news/ We are not dupeds, they shout, they are talking about some international law. They had a history – twice the Russians helped them to gain independence. Their prime minister was not from a chemical laboratory, but from a glorious political family. Americans would not like themselves any more than they are liked.

I also asked the Turks why they let Lavrov go, would they tell the DPS.

I understood that Lavrov cried because he did not fly over Bulgaria… I don’t know if he will survive it…

#Greeks #Lavrov #fly #member #NATO #Putinist

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