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“I am very good at keeping other people’s secrets”

The confessions in ‘MasterChef Celebrity 9’ do not stop. Some participants take advantage of the moments of relaxation with their colleagues to be honest about some aspects of their private life. This Monday Cristina Cifuentes (60 years old) has become the best of the first test, for which she has obtained an important privilege that she cannot reveal to her colleagues. In fact, she has surprised the to respond to this secrecy with a forceful revelation.

Friendships appear in the cooking competition that at another time seemed totally unthinkable. The former President of the Community of Madrid has managed to win the affection of many of her colleagues. In fact, in this program she takes Inés Hernand as a great friend, since she has become her adoptive mother as they themselves indicate. In addition, Inés has declared that at some point in her life spoke out against italthough those are things of the past for them.

Cristina Cifuentes surprises by obtaining a privilege in ‘MasterChef Celebrity 9’

On Monday’s show, the contestants had to prepare a menu of offal. But to make things a little more complicated, the judges told them to do it in pairs. Inés and Cristina have decided to prepare their dish togetherwhere they have shown great complicity between them. In fact, the judges have determined that they had been the best of all their colleagues.

Before that, both participants had declined to be favourites. First, they thought that other teammates had done better. Second, neither of them wanted to become captain for the group event, since being the best carries with it that benefit that many fear. In any case, the jury has determined that The best of all the contestants was Cristina Cifuentes.

Cristina Cifuentes’ confession on ‘MasterChef Celebrity 9’

However, the surprise for her came when the judges ordered all her colleagues to leave the kitchens. Cifuentes did not know what was happening, as she had just donated the four thousand euros of her prize for being the best cook of the night to the Loovas Foundation. a foundation for autism with which she has been personally involved for some time.

The jury explained to him that he was going to receive an important privilege. Jordi Cruz opened a box and showed him the brown apron, the one that gives you a second chanceIn fact, he reminded her that Samya, the contestant from the anonymous edition who had just been with them in the kitchens, was the winner and was able to use it to reach the final of the program after having been expelled.

“I love it, thank you so much,” Cristina replied. However, Jordi reiterated the secret nature of this award, which must be kept safe from her colleagues. “Remember to keep it a secret”said Rebecca Lima’s husband. In addition, she will be able to use it once she is expelled and will return the following week as a full-fledged contestant.

During the recording of the program, she also has some confessions outside the kitchen. This is the moment when the former president wanted to explain whether it will be difficult for her not to tell her colleagues. “I am very good at keeping secrets. I have been keeping them all my life, especially secrets of others“, he revealed. He did not want to say what kind of secrets he was referring to or who had kept them for him.

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