precipitation.rafael: later we’ll see thefull report.because of the rains with whichThe beginning of October they reportedflooding on the beach wherewas ending themigrants arrive.ana: the mayor toó ladecision to move totents in a new placeManhattan. berenice carmen nosinform him.berenice: meeting adance at a press conferencea few minutes on education,however we arewaiting to do somearmament and that according to theemergency management departmentabout the city last night he said itplans to move it to randalisland, that’s after I knowraise criticism for themplace that gets flooded every timeit rains and said the mayorthat would be a place for lesspossible flooding and withbest transportation forcriticism of this new siteorganizations have already startedwhich protects the rights ofimmigrants ensure itnot very good eithertransportation, it is also knownthat the camp took care ofonly 500 beds, acomparison with the 1000 that wereto have.the question would be how far it is goingcost or is costing thecity of this fiasco?Hope to have the answer todayin our 6:00 am broadcastpm.ana patricia: how are yousituation was not foreseen or calculatedis the long-term plan forface what ishappens with refugeesin New York, this crisis likethe mayor himself calls her.Raffaelewe talked to sonaraJessica Ramos.rafael: move these curtainsopinion and calanalysis about it?I am very disappointeddecision of the mayor ofoffer these refugeeshang out and pretend it isour help afeel safe and welcomewe already know it is floodingwe are talking oftenof families that are notaccustomed to winteryou know what a winter isNew York is alreadytemperatures are dropping.rafael: says the mayorunivision news 41 thatthey were single men, orfamilies in this area, whatto propose?in no human being shouldbe exposed to theseconditions, not evenlonely men, given to the coldwinters in the new cityYork, not the best atmosphereleave them isolated, out of thequeens, in crown, wheremany South Americans liveready to help yousail around the city and hopefullyhelp them find work.we proposed forhe played the us open, it’s overtournament and we love ittaxpayers subsidizedfor a long time, I thinkthat could help us.rafael: there will be a proposalbe ready forreceive those who are comingthe future?the proposal would behave a new policyHousing York First,put many obstacles toless skill than peoplerich to acquireaccommodation mainly in acities where we have the mostavailable houses thatevicted people,we should make sure that themoney from our budgetsat municipal and state levelhave housing proposalsserious, especially forelderly andpeople with children, nobodytent this winter, it is notnecessary, we can buildaffordable housing for themif we want it there.Rafael: Senator, thank you foragree to chat withwe.thank you.rafael: one of the things thatproposed the senator and that’s itthey will treat the state is to seekthe alternatives whyunderstand it even whenmayor was removing thecurtains that already existed withsome undocumented orthe homeless, thennow he is doing the samebut with whom he comes to askasylum.ana – they will be fewías í but imagine yourself under theweather conditionsinclement, impossible, yeswe are talking about three daysadults.rafael: there are no conditionseven for this, it has notthey are a good omen.ana: the situation is a lotcomplicated forauthority, foremigrants.let’s change the subject because