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“I am pregnant with another”, scandal at court: Letizia of Spain thrown out

After so many years, a scandal would come to light involving Letizia of Spain who could risk losing everything.

Letizia Ortiz – Nanopress.it

The scandal would concern King Juan Carlos who, over the years, is known for not having been strictly faithful.

Juan Carlos’ secret children

Juan Carlos of Bourbon, the father of Felipe VI, the current ruler and husband of Letizia of Spain, is regarded as the father of the country. After all, it was precisely under his monarchy that Spain was ferried by the Franco regime until the constitution.

Despite some merit, however, in the family he has not proved sensible but a traitor born. To suffer, his wife Sofia with whom he got married in a very sumptuous wedding in Athens (she was princess of Greece) in May 1962.

It is said that el rey, as the subjects call it, has collected over fifteen hundred adventures. The number that seems almost a first, was included in his biography written by Pilar Eyre. Among the women with whom the sovereign would have been, names of nobles and showgirls also stand out.

Letizia of Spain
Letizia of Spain – nanopress.it

It seems that the sovereign even made court to Raffaella Carrà who, however, did not yield to his advances. Among these also Corinna zu Sayn-Wittgenstein who, during the safaris in Africa was always with him.

From the countless relationships of Juan Carlos three illegitimate children would be born. The first is a fallen noble and is called Marie Josée de La Ruelle; the second is called Ingrid Sartiau who is a physiotherapist in Belgium but she is the third to worry. It is Albert Solà who works as a waiter in Girona.

Should Felipe and Letizia fear for the throne?

Albert Solà sembrerebbe identical to Juan Carlos. Yes because her photos have appeared all over the media due to her story being made known. So much so that people close to him call him the Monarch. It was 1956 when he was abandoned, only two weeks old, at the Casa de Madernidad. Among the details that caused havoc, the fact that he had a green pacifier. At the time, it was a symbol to identify the illegitimate children of royalty.

The child was placed in the care of adoptive parents. With them he lived in Ibiza for five years. When she grew up she learned that every month a woman brought her adoptive parents 900 pesos which were used to support her and, for the time, it was a considerable amount.

Subsequently, it was two humble peasants from the countryside of Girona who took care of him. Despite being humble, however, they could afford cars and motorbikes. Another detail was that while in the military, he had a strange license to keep him away from the most dangerous exercises.

Albert hired a private investigator and, in 2001, filed a petition with the court and began sending letters to Zarzuela. Over the years, Albert himself has stated that occasionally he receives phone calls to ask how he is. In 2017, however, the testimony that he was abducted by the Catalan secret services dates back. The purpose was to have him record an audio in which the man stated that he wanted to give up the crown.

Indeed, in line of succession, it is Albert Sola himself, being older than Felipe, to be able to become sovereign, should his paternity be confirmed. A somewhat remote hypothesis but one that still makes Letizia of Spain tremble.

German magazine
German magazine – nanopress.it

Meanwhile, the man said to himself ready to have his due. Suffice it to say that in the bar where he works, tourists from all over the world flock to see him.

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