Recently the deputy of La Libertad Avanza, Lourdes Arrietathrough X, he released a series of bills and a presidential decree with other deputies of the same space that aim to achieve the freedom of former repressors. Now, in an interview for Radio Con Vos, Arrieta said: “I am afraid for my life.”
After Arrieta decided to publicly expose the details of how the visit to the repressors was managed and the plan to free them, he assured that he had already spoken with the judge Ernesto Kreplak“He was really interested in the issue. I told him I was afraid for my life and he considered giving me custody. I asked for an investigation in the House of Representatives because no one tells the truth and everyone wants to wash their hands of it,” Arrieta said.
“They want to sanction me for having gone on an institutional visit and for telling the truth, that we went as Deputies. There are people who were involved wanting to carry out this type of project (to free the repressors). We don’t know what other types of interests there may be behind all this, but they are damaging the image of President Javier Milei,” he added in conversation with the journalist. Ernesto Tenembaum.
Along those lines, Arrieta insisted on his version of what was used by members of La Libertad Avanza: “Nobody ever told me that we were going to visit Astiz, every time they referred to this population they were referring to political prisoners, veterans of the Malvinas war, veterans of the war against communism. In the same meeting that we had, nobody ever said that I am here in prison because… they told how many years they had been in prison and (they talked) about the governments that abandoned them there,” Arrieta said.
When the deputies’ visits to the repressors became known, Arrieta claimed that she did not know them, because she was born in 1993, a year much later than the events that occurred during the last military dictatorship. For this reason, Arrieta was highly questioned, so now, in relation to these criticisms, she clarified: “I know the story, but I do not know the faces after so much time,” she said, and pointed out that the organizers of the visit knew perfectly well what they were doing.
“They put me on a minibus from the Chamber of Deputies and now it turns out that they say, ‘oh no, they sent it alone, it is not the agenda of the block or the President…’. The leaders who run this organization should have more organization. If they said ‘if you want to go, go on your own’, I would have followed orders because I am an organic person, I believe in the President and in this project,” he said, and stressed that President Javier Milei is not behind these events. “I know that Javier has nothing to do with all this, he is someone who is playing a dirty trick on you and who is trying to destabilize your government from within.”
Faced with the possibility of being expelled from the bloc – recently, the deputy of La Libertad Avanza, Lilia Lemoine, spoke out in this regard – Arrieta assured that Karina Milei did not contact her to remove her. “I am not going to resign from the Chamber of Deputies, that is ruled out because 43% of the people of Mendoza chose that Javier should have three representatives. What if they throw me out? I will leave with my head held high, knowing that I told the truth, fighting against a system of enormous corruption that, to the outside, seems like everything is fine.”
Towards the end of the interview, Arrieta harshly questioned the La Libertad Avanza space, particularly the president of the Lower House, Martín Menem: “We live in a totalitarian verticalist regime that you cannot have a different opinion. You have to vote for this, you cannot say anything, there is no dialogue with the president of the block or with the president of the Chamber of Deputies,” he said and sentenced: “I want to finish these four years legislating for the better; where I will end up, I do not know, only God knows. What I feel is that they even used me to put together the LLA party and now they want to kick me out. These movements, conspiracies, that is not done, it is cowardly. And what the leaders of LLA have shown lately is that they are cowards.”