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I am a high school athlete. Proposition 1 will ruin girls’ sports.

boy and girl Aren’t they biologically identical?.

Why school – and Democrats in Albany — Are they fooling girls like me into believing that they are?

On a recent beautiful fall afternoon, I was at the USTA Tennis Center in Queens.

Just a few weeks ago, the court was home to some of the best tennis players in the world.

Here, I became a member of the girls’ varsity tennis team, representing a prestigious private high school.

After putting a few balls in the net my nerves showed.

But seeing that there was a boy on the other team made my anxiety even worse.

His voice was deep.

He had broad shoulders.

He was definitely stronger and bigger than us.

He didn’t even try to pretend he was a woman.

Thanks to former swimmer Riley Gaines and her. exposure of injustice Trans athletes in women’s sports — I knew this was an unfair competition.

Trans athletes pose a physical risk to women.

Many girls have been injured playing sports against biological boys.

A Case Making Headlines in North Carolina in 2022 Volleyball player Peyton McNabb She was knocked unconscious when her biologically male opponent hit her on the head.

Biological boys are also stealing medals from deserving girls who have dedicated their lives to sports.

Just last week, the United Nations released a report on girls. 900 medals lost To biological males.

The boy I saw at the tennis center was one of the best players on the school team.

I got angry watching my teammate play against him in a singles match.

To make matters worse, I watched his coaches cheering him on.

I felt sympathy for the woman who was cut from the team because of that person.

He was allowed to play against girls because of a rule set by the New York State Association of Independent Schools that allows biological boys to identify as girls and play on girls’ teams.

This is the rule that all private schools accredited by NYSAIS, including Dalton, Brearley, etc., must follow.

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Now voters are trying to decide whether similar rules should apply statewide.

If approved Tuesday, Proposition 1 would amend the New York State Constitution To allow boys to play on girls’ teams.

I have no doubt that this means the end of women’s sports.

Imagine this. A boy may call himself a girl to play volleyball in the fall.

Then, if he wants to play baseball in the spring, he can simply declare that he wants to go back to being a boy.

There is nothing that can stop this madness from happening.

Proposition 1 also allows men to invade women-only spaces.

I could be undressing in the locker room after a tennis match and there’s nothing I can do to stop a boy claiming to be a girl from watching me.

This is terrible and should terrify the parents of every girl in New York State.

Supporters refer to Proposition 1 as the “Equal Rights Amendment.” legalize abortion — But New York already has the strongest abortion laws in the country.

Sports are a big part of my life.

Play keeps me healthy, social, and fun. It also improves my mental health.

Proposition 1 will push girls like me out of sports, leading to more anxiety and depression.

State lawmakers must keep us safe.

Our schools should teach us right from wrong.

That doesn’t happen in this upside-down world we live in.

Unfortunately, I have to write anonymously.

as i saw other people talkingIf I just voice my opinion, there will be fierce backlash.

Generations of women before me fought for rights that were slowly being taken away.

I am not old enough to vote yet. But I urge my fellow New Yorkers to stop doing this crazy shit. Vote No on Proposition 1.

Anonymous is a student athlete at a private high school in New York.

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