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I am 44 years old, have six children and feel sexy

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Izabella Łukomska-Pyżalska is inspiracj± for many women. Caring for a large family can combine with a professional career. No wonder that her online account is watched by thousands of people.

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Izabella Łukomska-Pyżalska practices pole dance and aerial silk

Izabella £ ukomska-Py¿alska is just celebrating its 44th birthday. A businesswomen, model and football activist, born on November 22, posted a post on the Internet on this occasion, which shows her against the backdrop of the sunset. The caption is very laconic.

I am 44 years old, have six children and feel super sexy! – Izabella Łukomska-Pyżalska asked

Fans ask in the comments what it does to make it look so great. And just look at the previous posts. The millionaire is great at reconciling several roles. She has a career in business and is perfect as a mother of six children. Izabella Łukomska-Pyżalska also cares about her figure. She loves sports and activity. He tries to plan a lot of traffic during the week. Recently, she boasted on the web that she practices pole dancing. You can envy her fitness when you look at her photos from the gym.

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The millionaire does not shy away from testing herself in completely new physical activities. Apart from pole dance, she also cultivates aerial silk. What is this? It is an acrobatic dance performed in the air with the help of special scarves suspended at a height of about 12-16 meters. For Izabella Łukomska-Pyżalska making splits in the air is not a problem meters above the ground.

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