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HZA-KR: Customs checks major construction sites in Krefeld and Mönchengladbach – nationwide …

Main customs office in Krefeld


The financial control of undeclared work (FKS) of the main customs office in Krefeld, together with forces from the district regulatory authority in Viersen and the district government in Düsseldorf, was on a large scale last Tuesday as part of a nationwide focus test in the construction industry.

The 52 customs officers from the FKS Krefeld and Mönchengladbach interviewed a total of 218 people from 63 companies at two large construction sites and carried out a total of 54 business document checks on site. 5 violations were identified due to non-payment of the minimum wage. In 6 cases there is a suspicion of evasion of social security contributions and in 2 cases of fraud due to abuse of benefits. Three people from Albania had neither a residence nor a work permit. Thus, they were “illegally” resident and employed. The men were questioned for further clarification and are now being asked by the immigration office responsible to leave Germany immediately. Another employee had a residence permit but no work permit. Administrative offense proceedings were initiated here for taking up employment without a work permit. Proceedings were initiated against the employer for employing foreigners without a work permit.

The forces of the Düsseldorf district government checked the occupational safety on the construction site. The occupational health and safety violations identified, mainly due to individual misconduct when using work equipment, could be clarified with the respective companies and the site management on site. The general regulatory authority of the district of Viersen did not find any objections.

In the construction industry, the general statutory minimum wage of EUR 9.82 per hour currently applies. In some sectors, such as the electrical trade (EUR 12.90/hour) and the scaffolding trade (EUR 12.55/hour), special industry minimum wages have to be paid. Irrespective of the industry-specific regulations on the minimum wage, there is an obligation to pay overtime rates, additional remuneration components (such as surcharges for work at special times, surcharges for difficulties and special allowances), vacation pay and -money as well as the granting of holidays and the provision of accommodation as further working conditions to be observed. The construction industry is also a sector of the economy for which the special obligation to carry and present identity papers applies. In addition, there is an immediate obligation to register for social security in the construction industry.

Extra information:

The financial control of undeclared work in the customs administration regularly conducts nationwide and regional focused audits with an increased number of staff throughout the year in order to maintain the special preventive character of a large number of audits. This is an important tool to reduce social acceptance of undeclared work and illegal employment.

Questions please contact:

Main customs office in Krefeld
Diana Men
Phone: 02151/850-10600
E-Mail: [email protected]

Original content from: Hauptzollamt Krefeld, transmitted by news aktuell

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