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HZA-DU: Duisburg main customs office – annual results 2021

10.05.2022 – 11:57

Duisburg main customs office

Duisburg (ots)

Ms. Stephanie Imhof, as head of the main customs office in Duisburg, takes stock for the first time after taking up her post on October 1, 2021:

   - über sechs Milliarden Euro Einnahmen für Deutschland und Europa,
   - rund 25 Millionen Euro Schaden im Bereich Finanzkontrolle 
   - rund 4,5 Millionen Warenabfertigungen und
   - knapp 100 Kilogramm Rauschgift sichergestellt.

“I am pleased that the customs officers have contributed through their work to the fact that the main customs office in Duisburg can present a successful balance sheet in the year 2021, which has been marked by the pandemic,” says Stephanie Imhof. “The diverse tasks and the special challenges were mastered with great commitment.”


For the first time, the income of the main customs office in Duisburg rose to over six billion euros.

Compared to the previous year, import sales tax has increased by 37 percent. The revenue amounted to 1.8 billion euros. In 2020 it was 1.3 billion euros. The largest share of tax revenue comes from energy and electricity taxes. In 2021, around 3.7 billion euros were collected here by the main customs office in Duisburg. In the area of ​​motor vehicle tax, revenue for 2021 amounted to 218 million euros. This income is at the previous year’s level.

The main customs office in Duisburg was able to record an increase in excise duties. More than 101 million euros were raised. Excise duties have to be paid for tobacco, coffee, brandy, beer and sparkling wine, among other things.

Customs is the revenue administration of the federal government. The budget of the federal government and Europe is secured with the income from taxes and customs duties.

When clearing goods from a third country, customs duties are due. Revenues in 2021 amounted to 302 million euros. These revenues were transferred to the EU budget.

Financial control of undeclared work

In 2021, the officials of the financial control for undeclared work in the district of the main customs office in Duisburg checked over 1,000 employers from various sectors. In addition, the emergency services conducted various focus tests, e.g. B. in the field of building cleaning, the guard and security trade or in the construction industry.

The focus of the audits is, among other things, on employee reports on social security, illegal employment of foreigners, social benefit fraud and compliance with the statutory minimum wage.

In many cases, preliminary investigations follow after the examinations have been completed. In 2021, the officials initiated 4,971 investigations, specifically 3,706 criminal proceedings and 1,265 fine proceedings. In 2021, the officials determined a damage amount of EUR 24,783,964 million.

As a result of the investigative work of the financial control for undeclared work, the courts imposed fines of 1,030,810 million euros and prison sentences totaling 679 months (56 years and 5 months). The fines for administrative offenses amounted to 732,105 euros in 2021.

A preliminary investigation from 2021 shows how extensive investigations can be. On June 23, 2021, around 300 emergency services carried out more than 50 search warrants under the leadership of the main customs office in Duisburg. Residential and business premises in several cities in North Rhine-Westphalia and Berlin were searched on behalf of the Duisburg public prosecutor’s office.

The complete press release is available at: https://www.presseportal.de/blaulicht/pm/121243/4951283.


A total of 98,042,809 million euros were recovered as part of the 206,708 enforcement orders. The main customs office in Duisburg not only worked for customs, but also for the Federal Employment Agency, the health and company insurance funds and the professional associations.

The control

The forces of the control units are on duty every day at Weeze Airport, on the motorways and in trains to protect the citizens. You are on the road in the context of tax supervision and prevent the import of prohibited goods (e.g. weapons and drugs). The emergency services secured almost 100 kilograms of drugs in 2021.

In detail, the customs officers seized the following amounts of drugs in 2021:

   - 13 Kilogramm Crystal Meth
   - 8,1 Kilogramm Kokain und Heroin
   - 41,2 Kilogramm Amphetamin
   - 66.500 Ecstasy-Tabletten (entspricht einer Menge von rund 22 
     Kilogramm) und
   - 15,3 Kilogramm Marihuana.

Compared to the previous year, the quantity of untaxed cigarettes seized increased enormously to 9.7 million. In 2020, the customs officers seized around one million untaxed cigarettes. A large-scale seizure with the fully mobile X-ray system in July 2021 prevented the smuggling of over 9.5 million untaxed cigarettes.

The full press release is available at: https://www.presseportal.de/blaulicht/pm/121243/4976719.

During the controls in 2021, the customs officers also seized almost 340 kilograms of untaxed tobacco.

customs offices

The customs offices in Emmerich, Essen, Ruhrort and Straelen-Autobahn are responsible for the clearance of goods at the main customs office in Duisburg. The monitoring of international goods traffic to or from Germany makes a significant contribution to consumer safety and takes place not only at the border, but also at the customs offices inland. In recent years, the customs officers have handled around three million clearances. In 2021, the number of clearances rose to over four million (4,476,577 clearances).

As a result of Brexit, the United Kingdom left the EU internal market and the EU customs union on January 1, 2021. Customs clearance of goods is now the same as in any other third country. Brexit did not present a new task for customs, but the number of goods cleared has increased sharply. Customs was well prepared for this.

General Administration

The main customs office in Duisburg is the point of contact for business and 2.2 million citizens. The district of the main customs office in Duisburg extends to the districts of Wesel and Kleve, as well as the independent cities of Oberhausen, Essen, Mülheim an der Ruhr and Duisburg.

With an average increase in staff of over 17 percent, the number of employees (including trainees and trainees) at the main customs office in Duisburg rose to over 800 employees for the first time (2020 – 691 employees, 2021 – 811 employees).

The fact that customs has greatly increased the number of training and study places nationwide is also noticeable at the main customs office in Duisburg. In 2021 there were 128 candidates and trainees in training or dual studies at the main customs office in Duisburg. An increase of around 20% was recorded here.

The main customs office in Duisburg is still looking for applicants who are interested in the diverse work of customs and would like to work in a team for more justice for the start of training on August 1st, 2023. The application deadline for training in the middle service or for the dual study program in the higher service is September 15, 2022.

More information is available online www.zoll-karriere.de and www.zoll.de to disposal.

Questions please contact:

Duisburg main customs office
Ivan Cule
Phone: 0203 /7134 – 348
E-Mail: [email protected]

Original content from: Hauptzollamt Duisburg, transmitted by news aktuell

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