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Hysterical Crying TKW Tricked by Wowon ‘Serial Killer’ to Hundreds of Millions


Aslem, one of the female workers (TKW) in Saudi Arabia cried hysterically when she arrived at Polda Metro Jaya, Thursday (26/1) last night. Aslem is a dupe serial killer Wowon Erawan alias Aki (60) dkk.

This woman from Karawang, West Java, can only lament her fate. The hundreds of millions of money that he had collected during his years of work in Saudi Arabia, were robbed by Wowon cs.

Aslem falls for the lure of multiplying money Wowon cs. Not only did he lose his wealth, Aslem also regretted not being able to see his parents for the last time because of Wowon cs.

Yes, Wowon cs cheated dozens of TKW with the money doubling mode. So far, 11 migrant workers have been deceived by Wowon cs with a total loss of IDR 1 billion.

Of the 11 TKW, two of them died at the hands of Wowon cs. The two victims were killed, namely Siti and Parida, because they demanded a promise of doubling the money from Wowon cs.

Aslem is forbidden to go home even when parents die

Aslem is really sorry. Not only did he lose the money he worked hard while working in Saudi Arabia, Aslem now regretted not being able to see his parents one last time before he died.

Aslem admits that Wowon threatened him not to return to his house. Actually, during the 6 years working in Saudi Arabia, Aslem has returned to Indonesia twice, but not to his house in Karawang, but to the house of Dede Solehudin alias Dede (34), partner in crime Wowon.

“I was forbidden to go home, I was not allowed to go home. Until my parents died I could not see,” said Aslem, crying, to detikcomat Polda Metro Jaya, Jakarta, Thursday (26/1).

Aslem and Hana, TKW victims of serial killer scam Wowon cs. (Wildan Noviansah/ detikcom)

Aslem was so sorry when he found out that he was a victim of Wowon’s scam. Not only did he lose money, Aslem couldn’t even hug his parents for the last time when his parents died.

“I went home twice, but not to Karawang. I went to Cianjur, because I was forbidden from contacting my family. Nobody knows (I went to Cianjur). What made me sick, my parents both died, I couldn’t meet for the last time ,” said Aslem, still crying.

During her 6 years working in Dubai, Aslem has lost her parents twice. When his mother died, Aslem could not return to his homeland because Aki Banyu had forbidden him to return.

“My papa died, I’m in video call when my parents were in a coma, ‘when are you coming home’, I just said ‘yes, I’ll be home later’,” she said, with tears in her eyes.

Aslem and Other TKW Threatened by Wowon cs

Aslam complied order ‘Aki Banyu’, none other than Wowon. Because, he is afraid of the threat of Aki Banyu.

“He always threatens, ‘just don’t tell your family, if you tell your family harm (woe)’,” said Aslem.

The same statement was revealed by Hana. This resident of Cikarang, Bekasi, also admitted that Wowon cs threatened him not to tell anyone about the doubling of this money.

“No one in my family knows, because we are always being threatened. ‘Be careful not to tell anyone, you will get hurt later‘ (be careful don’t tell anyone, you’ll get hurt),” said Hana.

Hana was unable to ignore the threat. This is because Dede already knows the address of Hana’s house in Bekasi.

“I am obey only, because I’m afraid. You see, Dede already knows my house. I’m afraid of my family what’s wrong,” kata Hana.

Read on the next page: hundreds of millions of Aslem money disappeared….

Watch the video ‘Testimony of Aslem, Serial Killer Wowon Cs Fraud Victim’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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