With a subsidy from the Diabetes Fund and the Kidney Foundation, Dr Daniël van Raalte, internist-endocrinologist at Amsterdam UMC, wants to investigate whether oxygen deficiency in the kidneys plays a role in the development of kidney damage in people with diabetes and overweight. He also studies the link between belly fat and kidney damage.
It is known that obesity increases the risk of chronic kidney damage (CNS), but it is not entirely clear why. It is likely that excess belly fat secretes hormones that cause hyperfiltration, causing hypoxia in the kidneys and eventually CNS. Van Raalte will therefore investigate whether hypoxia in the kidneys in people with diabetes and overweight is associated with early diabetic kidney disease.
He also wants to investigate whether the presence of certain proteins in abdominal fat is associated with hypoxia in the kidneys and whether there are biomarkers in the blood that can predict whether hypoxia will occur. In addition, Van Raalte is examining whether a reduction in overweight through bariatric surgery reduces kidney damage, paying special attention to differences between men and women. With his research – which will last 4 years – Van Raalte hopes to identify people in the earliest stage of CNS, so that aggravation can be prevented.