Home » today » News » Hypocritical climate extremists angry with Jumbo for deforestation, but burn entire primeval forests themselves for biomass

Hypocritical climate extremists angry with Jumbo for deforestation, but burn entire primeval forests themselves for biomass

Left-wing activists are angry. Very angry. At supermarkets. Because, they say, the Jumbo, Lidl, Aldi and all those other supermarkets do not even do nearly enough to stimulate “sustainable food”. For example, “meat remains the norm on the shelves,” stores aren’t transparent enough about where their products come from and, shockingly, they don’t have a concrete approach to deforestation. ”

Research foundation Questionmark today published its Superlist Green 2021, a “research report” with a “sustainability ranking. And what does that report show? Well, friends of the foundation explain, the eight largest supermarket chains are doing “too little to reduce meat consumption.” Because – you don’t believe it! – “90 percent of the supermarket brochures surveyed still contain red meat, the animal product with the largest ecological footprint.”

That’s bad enough in the eyes of these sustainability buffs, but it’s getting worse. Because the supermarkets even “stunted meat prices during the Week Without Meat.” Terrible, say.


Oh, and wait. Because now comes the drop that really makes the proverbial bucket overflow. “Fighting deforestation and stimulating nature-inclusive agriculture is also not very high on the supermarket agendas, according to Questionmark.” It is beyond comprehension. And this while the supermarkets are known as “playing an important role in the Climate Agreement.” Disgusting!

Are there no ‘good’ supermarkets at all? Well, there is one who does it very nicely. Albert Heijn is high on the ranking. But Aldi, Plus and Lidl are middle-class at best. And then comes the awful, disgusting, unbelievably bad (according to the greens) Jumbo. At the very bottom of the list. Boycott immediately and throw it to the lions.

Yes, or we just act normal together. And look at what really causes deforestation: biomass power plants in which entire forests disappear, and we call that sustainable.

So the only good response to all this green anti-supermarket gimmick comes from GeenStijl writer Pritt. “GroenLinks and D66 are pushing entire primeval forests into the biomass power station,” he writes ironically on Twitter, “but deforestation is the fault of the Jumbo.” Bull’s eye!

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