It works like this: People who come into the emergency room with alcohol poisoning need to hyperventilate using a device that keeps the oxygen level in the blood up and regulates it.
Emergency workers
In this way, alcohol disappears from the body three times faster than with methods now used by care providers, such as dialysis.
One outcome says Joseph Fisher, who led the study Canadian Press. “People sometimes come in unconscious and are so drunk that it is difficult to examine them. All we have been able to do so far is wait for the body to remove the alcohol itself.”
Good to know: hyperventilating probably won’t help with a hangover. According to the researchers, the method works especially well with people who are heavily under the influence of alcohol.
Additional research
The people participating in the study were given half a glass of vodka twice. The first time it took the body two to three hours for the vodka to be processed. The second time, the subjects had to hyperventilate. That way the breakdown went three times faster than the first time.
Fisher does add that the group of subjects was very small. According to him, additional research is therefore needed. The research is published in Scientific Reports.