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Hyperthyroid Patients Don’t Worry, Here Are 4 Types Of How To Treat It! : Okezone Lifestyle

DISEASE hyperthyroidism like that suffered by Indra Bruggman occurs because the thyroid becomes overactive. This can cause the metabolism to be faster than normal conditions.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, hyperthyroid is a condition in which your thyroid releases more hormones than you need. The main hormones made by your thyroid include triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4).

Well, don’t worry because hyperthyroidism can be treated. The following are treatment options for patients with hyperthyroidism:

1. Use drugs

Hyperthyroid patients will usually be treated with antithyroid drugs such as methimazole (Tapazole) or propylthiouracil (PTU). This drug blocks your thyroid’s ability to make hormones.

2. Radioactive iodine

Radioactive iodine is an oral drug that is absorbed by thyroid cells. This can cause your thyroid to shrink and thyroid hormone levels to drop for several weeks.

This method usually causes permanent damage to the thyroid, which will cure the hyperthyroidism. However, most patients who receive this treatment must take thyroid hormone medication for the rest of their lives to maintain normal hormone levels.

3. Surgery

Your healthcare provider can remove your thyroid gland surgically. This will correct your hyperthyroidism, but will usually lead to hypothyroidism or a condition in which your thyroid is underactive, requiring lifelong thyroid supplements to keep hormone levels normal.

READ ALSO:Hyperthyroidism Like Indra Bruggman, Can It Be Cured?

4. Beta blocker

Lastly, there are beta blockers. This drug blocks the action of thyroid hormones on the body. Beta blockers do not change the level of hormones in the blood, but they can help control symptoms such as a fast heartbeat, nervousness and shaking caused by hyperthyroidism.

Usually, this medication is not used alone and is paired with other options to treat hyperthyroidism in the long term.


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