Home » today » Health » Hypertension sufferers can breathe easy, who would have thought that they just routinely drank this fruit. High blood pressure immediately recovered in an instant – All Pages

Hypertension sufferers can breathe easy, who would have thought that they just routinely drank this fruit. High blood pressure immediately recovered in an instant – All Pages

GridHype.IDHigh blood pressure alias hypertension be one of the problems health which can be underestimated.

Even more hypertension occurs without causing significant symptoms and is only felt when it has entered a more severe stage.

Whereas, hypertension If not treated properly, it can lead to complications.

Worse, complications result hypertension can lead to death.

Launching Halodoc.com, one of the complications hypertension What you need to watch out for is heart disease.

Blood pressure that is too high can also cause kidney failure due to narrowing of the blood vessels in the kidneys.

In addition, people with hypertension may experience visual disturbances, even loss of the ability to see.

Therefore, high blood pressure can no longer be looked at with one eye.

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Moreover, the majority of Indonesian people often complain of high blood pressure in the body.

To overcome high blood pressure, you can take advantage of the following series of fruit juices which are considered effective and proven to be effective, as quoted from Food NDTV via Nakita.ID.

Pomegranate juice

The dilemma fruit juice is packed with essential vitamins and potassium which helps improve blood circulation.

Pomegranate juice is known for its ability to eliminate ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme).

ACE is an enzyme that causes blood vessels to stiffen.

Later this enzyme often causes blood pressure.

Orange juice

You may already be familiar with orange juice.

The sour taste makes the audience feel fresh if drunk on a hot day.

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But orange juice can also keep blood pressure levels low.

Abundant nutrients such as vitamin C, potassium, folate, bioflavonoids.

These nutrients play a role in dealing with high blood pressure, increasing metabolism, and helping maintain heart health.

Jus cranberry

Cranberries are nutrient-dense fruits but their high vitamin C content makes them a good drink for treating hypertension.

Cranberry juice is low in calories so it helps dilate blood vessels.

Blood circulation will also run smoothly if people regularly drink cranberry juice.

Keep in mind, dealing with blood pressure is not just routinely consuming fruit juice as suggested above.

Implementing a healthy lifestyle and eating is the main key to lowering high blood pressure.

If blood pressure is getting out of control, you should immediately consult a doctor or nutritionist to get optimal treatment.

Also Read: Even though you only make cucumbers like this, the high blood pressure you have is guaranteed to go down right away


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