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Hyères-Toulon: Laurent Sciarra resigns a second time!

Laurent Sciarra, Olympic vice-champion in Sydney, has this time resigned for good from his position as coach of Hyères-Toulon Basket.

Episode 1: Laurent Sciarra takes the HTV to the title of French National 2 champion, and therefore in National 1.

Episode 2: Faced with the club’s serious financial difficulties, and in conflict with President Gilles Gardia, Laurent Sciarra resigns.

Episode 3: Vincent Masingue takes the presidency, HTV is saved, Laurent Sciarra returns.

Episode 4 : “I am stopping at HTV for personal reasons. I will not comment on my decision…” he indicates by SMS. information revealed by Be Matinwhich completes:

“It is therefore impossible to know his motivations. But according to our information, he eventually got tired of the financial difficulties and the immediate uncertainty surrounding his ambitions for the coming season. And this, even if investors are about to come and give a boost to the Var project… ”completes the daily.

End of the serial. HTV is looking for a new coach.

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