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Husin Shahab Polices Greenpeace Due to Criticism of Jokowi’s Speech

Saturday, November 13, 2021 – 19:57 WIB

VIVA – Country Director Greenpeace Indonesia, Leonard Simanjuntak reported to Metro Police Jaya is suspected of fake news and hate speech. He was reportedly with Twitter account owner Kiki Taufik.

The reporter is the Secretary General of the Legal Mafia Eradication Committee (KPMH), Husin Shahab who is also the Chairman of Cyber ​​Indonesia. He also uploaded his Police Report Receipt to Instagram.

He made this report because he felt aggrieved by the misleading information on the Greepeace.org website because the data submitted on deforestation did not match the actual facts.

According to him, the fact that he knew during the period of President Joko Widodo’s administration was that deforestation actually decreased from year to year and instead tried to prevent forest fires.

“Precisely during the reign Jokowi which is trying to suppress the increase in deforestation from year to year and there are no forest fires,” he explained, Saturday, November 13, 2021.

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  • VIVA.co.id/ Foe Peace Simbolon

Polda Metro Jaya Promoter Building

He also invited netizens on Twitter to boycott Greenpeace Indonesia with the hashtag #BoikotGreenpeaceID. Because the agency is considered to provide misleading information.

The data problem related to deforestation, he said, began when Greenpeace responded to President Joko Widodo’s speech in Jakarta COP26, Glasgow who said that the rate of deforestation had fallen and was the lowest in the last 20 years.

Greenpeace, he said, turned the facts upside down by saying that deforestation in Indonesia had actually increased from 2.45 million ha in 2003-2011 to 4.8 million ha in 2011-2019.

“Therein lies the lie of Greenpeace, if it is made in graphic form from year to year and on whose government policies it is also explained in detail,” he explained.

He said, if the 2003-2011 data which amounted to 2.45 million ha were during the government of President SBY, then in 2011-2019 there were two policies in this period to 4.8 million ha.

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