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Husband Dies in Italy, Dewi Irawan Faithfully Accompanies & Arranges Muslim Funeral


sad news come back from the world of entertainment, Mother. Recently, the husband of actress Dewi Irawan, Lukman Karim bin Gianfranco Marini, reportedly died in Italy.

Lukman Karim died on July 12, 2021, Italian time. Dewi Irawan and his two children, admitted that they are currently in Italy to see Lukman Karim for the last time.

As Dewi Irawan explained, she and her son have been there for two months. She flew to Italy to meet her husband on May 11, 2021.

“Complete with the children (Dewi Irawan with his children in Italy),” said Dewi Irawan quoted from detik.com on Tuesday (13/7/2021).

“It’s been 2 months in Milan, since May 11, 2021,” continued Dewi.

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Furthermore, Dewi is currently still waiting for the agency to bury her husband in a Muslim-only final resting place in Italy. He admitted that so far he had been helped by the Indonesian Muslim community in Milan, Bunda.

“(Currently) Still waiting for the funeral agency, assisted by the Indonesian Muslim community in Milan.”

“God willing buried in a special cemetery for Muslims,” ​​said Dewi Irawan.


Infected with COVID-19, a 29-day-old baby dies. See more in the following video, Mother:

[Gambas:Video Haibunda]


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