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Husband Banshchikova sometimes comes to her to shoot

The actress has three children from a lawyer Vsevolod Shakhanov.

Banshchikova’s husband may suddenly come to the set / http: //globallookpress.com/

Actress Anna Banshchikova in the studio “Evening Show with Alla Dovlatova” on “Russian Radio” spoke about her family. She is married to a lawyer Vsevolod Shakhanov. From him she has two sons and a three-year-old daughter, who is involved in the series “The Snoop”, where the actress herself has the main role. In the series, she, as you know, played the chief of the criminal investigation department of the coastal town, police lieutenant colonel Alexandra Kushnir.

“Sons are watching the series The Bloodhound. They generally watch the whole school. Children really like it. The husband is also watching. Sometimes he unexpectedly arrives on the set. It pleases me, the rest of the crew are not very. My heroine is always for the truth, and she wants to find her right away. Alexandra Ivanovna climbs over her head. Everyone loves to sort through the shelves, and she rushing ahead. She believes that every thief and criminal should be punished. ”

Anna Banshchikova

Now Anna Banshchikova is also on self-isolation due to the coronavirus pandemic.

“Now is the time to stop, think. See people around. Pick up the book. And then we completely forgot about it. This is a chance for humanity to think things over calmly, ”said Anna Banshchikova.

It is curious that in the fourth season of the series, as it turns out, Alla Dovlatova could play. They called her with an offer.

“I got a call in January and asked:“ Do you want to play a “bloodhound girlfriend”? ” I was not opposed, but in the end, it didn’t even come to samples. They invited another actress to this role, ”complained Alla Dovlatova.

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