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Hurricane Woodward, Trump wanted war with Korea – La Stampa

FROM THE ENROLLMENT TO NEW YORK. “Cover up,” says Bob Woodward, the same fault that forced Nixon to resign for Watergate. “Cover up”, repeats the Democratic candidate for the White House Biden, describing Trump’s behavior as “disgusting” because he hid the truth about Covid from the Americans only to favor his own re-election. “Rage,” Woodward’s book to be released on Tuesday, contains many other revelations that cast doubt on the President’s suitability for office in the 9-hour tapes made during 18 interviews. The virus, however, is the most striking, because it has cost the lives of 200,000 Americans, and threatens to defeat Donald on November 3.

Dates are crucial. On January 28, National Security Advisor O’Brien warned Trump that Covid was the main danger to his presidency. On February 7, the head of the White House told Woodward that “this stuff is deadly, much more than the flu.” Yet on February 25 he assured the country that everything was under control and “the problem is disappearing. In a couple of days it will be almost zero ». On March 19, he admitted to Woodward that things were going badly: “It’s not just the old folks. Young people too, a lot ». But he added: «I have played it down. I still like to minimize it, because I don’t want to create panic ». On April 3 he had repeated to the public that “he is disappearing,” but on the 13th he told Woodward: “It’s a horrible thing. Incredible ».

Yesterday Trump tried to defend himself by saying he wanted to avoid panic, but according to Woodward the argument does not hold, because one thing is to stay calm, and another to lie. The first objective could be achieved by explaining to the country the reality of the danger, but at the same time announcing and applying a serious plan to counter it. The cover up, on the other hand, left the Americans defenseless, starting with its supporters, who following it refused the most basic protection measures, such as masks, or ran to reopen the economy when the conditions were not yet there. This has resulted in thousands of avoidable deaths, which fall on Trump’s shoulders.

However, “Rage” is not limited to Covid. Among other things, Donald revealed the existence of a devastating new nuclear weapon that no one knew about, which now threatens to unleash an arms race with China and Russia. He insulted the generals, saying that “they are pussies worried about their alliances, rather than business.” He denied any empathy for blacks: ‘Did you drink Kool-Aid, Bob? No, I don’t think they have any problems. “

“Rage” reveals that he had come so close to the war with North Korea in 2017 that Pentagon chief Mattis was sleeping in his clothes, and had warned colleagues of the need for “collective action” to stop it. Former national intelligence director, Republican Coates, sees the only logical explanation for Trump’s behavior with Putin as having Putin something on him. Woodward also came under fire, because instead of publishing his interviews and maybe saving lives, he kept them for the book. He replies that he had to verify the veracity of the statements and put them in context to make readers understand what happened. Now they know, and on November 3 they will judge.

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