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Hunting child porn offenders is a cat-and-mouse game

But he also sees perpetrators who are not so much about the pictures themselves. “They are more focused on collecting, get a kick out of finding new material or completing a certain series. In addition, there are also men with more antisocial problems. They are very focused on success and status on the dark web. That are often the men who are attracted to the material, but also see it as a revenue model. “

When treating the perpetrators, it is therefore important to determine which type of perpetrator is involved, but according to Verheij, treatment is always aimed at regulating and controlling behavior.


For Detective Coen, who prefers to be mentioned only by his first name because of his work, there are actually only two types of perpetrators: the downloader and the child molester. “Everything is aimed at us to prevent victims. As soon as we notice that abuse is taking place somewhere, we intervene. Even if that means that we will no longer be able to settle the case against the suspect.”

He works for the Child Pornography and Child Sex Tourism Team of the National Unit of the National Police. Together with some 150 colleagues in the country, he works on mapping these types of child pornography networks.

“When you see such a suspect, the puzzle starts,” he says. “We follow him online until we can match the pseudonym he uses online with a real identity.” It is a cat and mouse game that can sometimes last for years.

Old footage

The networks consist of people of all nationalities, but occasionally the police see a Dutch leader. “Our country is attractive because of the good digital infrastructure and there are many servers with storage space. The main thing is to earn money, the material is often exchanged or shared for free.”

Much of the material that the police see is not made in the Netherlands. “Someone who owns child pornography is not necessarily a child molester. Most of the images we have encountered have been in circulation for years. New material is the trigger for us to prioritize that matter, but also applies to us: every time a photo is taken again is shared, the child becomes a victim again. “

Coen and his colleagues have been screened for this work and have regular conversations with a psychologist about what it does to them. “It is special work. Even if I only saved one victim a year, it would be worth it to me.”

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