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Hunted deer flees into town to escape hunters

Chased by hunters with a pack of dogs, a deer has brought itself to safety by fleeing the city in Compiègne, in the French Oise, Saturday afternoon. Residents found the exhausted animal near a school and notified a veterinarian. After a few hours, the recovered animal fled back into the forest.

So exhausted that it could barely move, passers-by found the animal near the Lycée Jean-Paul in Compiègne on Saturday afternoon. Hunters and dogs let the animal live and retreated to the forest. A vet saw no other option than to give the animal a redeeming injection because it was at the end of its strength. Activists from AVA, an association that fights against hunting and certainly against driving, wanted to give the deer some time to recuperate. Successfully.

Four hours after the defenseless animal was found, the deer suddenly got up and disappeared into the forest.

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