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Hungary refused to accept more NATO troops, no longer wants to be a loser

Hungary will no longer accept NATO troops on its territory as part of maneuvers due to the crisis in Ukraine. This was stated by Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto, quoted by Euronews.

The US sent additional soldiers to Poland and Romania. Germany has increased its forces in Lithuania. NATO troops are already deployed in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland.

However, Szijjarto said that there would be no additional troops on Hungarian territory.

“No, we did not agree with this and we will not agree, because we already have NATO troops on the territory of the country. The Hungarian army and the Hungarian armed forces are in proper shape to ensure the security of the country. Therefore, we do not need additional troops on the territory of Hungary,” the minister said.

Hungary doesn’t want more NATO troops yet

Budapest’s position

Siyarto The US, Europe and Russia should not interrupt the dialogue to avoid the “worst case scenario” as for the crisis in Ukraine. According to him, Central Europe will be the biggest loser in the event of a conflict.

According to Szijjarto, the current crisis memories of the cold war and “many decades during which we suffered.”

“That’s why we don’t want those times to come back. We call on the international community to do everything possible so that the cold War does not return, even the psychology of the cold war does not return, because we have learned this from history, unfortunately, it is very clear that Whenever there is a conflict between East and West, the countries of Central Europe lose. We don’t want to be losers anymore.“he stressed.

Hungary urges Europe not to go to a new Cold War

Hungary urges Europe not to go to a new Cold War

Budapest does not want “any conflict between the West and the East, which will lead to victims”

“We have to invest in diplomacy, we have to invest in dialogue. Therefore, we call on the Russian Federation and our Western allies, major powers, strong states not to lose hope for a peaceful settlement, but, on the contrary, to talk to each other,” Szijjarto stressed.

Washington and European states have warned Moscow that any military invasion of Ukraine will have “massive” consequences for Russia, including punitive economic sanctions.

However, according to Szijjarto these measures don’t work. The Minister recalled that Russia has been under Western sanctions since 2014. when he illegally annexed Crimea and started supporting separatists in eastern Ukraine.

“If you look at the sanctions themselves, it’s a failure. They don’t work. They are unsuccessfulhe added that “trade between Germany and the Russian Federation has increased since the sanctions came into force.”

Scholz is sure that Russia has understood the message of the West

Scholz is sure that Russia has understood the message of the West

The US, EU and NATO intend to impose tough sanctions on the invasion of Ukraine

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