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Hungary – Italy. Predictions and bets for 1.91 / Today at 21:45 / Football predictions

On 26 September the match of the last 6th day of group A of the League of Nations between Hungary and Italy will take place in Budapest. Starting at 21:45 Moscow time. Hungary – Italy: forecastsbet, odds, statistics.


The Hungarians have completely outdone themselves. In such a difficult quartet, the team takes first place and has every chance to enter the playoffs. To do this, you just need to play a tie.

Hungary he scored 10 points and even in the event of a tie he will keep the lead. On the other hand, there is the motivation to continue the winning streak. Previously, the hosts managed to hold back England (4: 0) and Germany (1: 0).

Match probability Hungary – Italy

The “Magic Magyars” have the fewest goals conceded in the quartet (3). No wonder, after 8 games it became clear that the Hungarians have changed their defense. Only in 7 out of 8 matches have they conceded 2 goals.

All the predictions for the League of Nations

For Hungary, reaching the playoffs is very important. After all, she didn’t make it to the world championship. For her, this is a kind of vent.


The Italians will be satisfied with only one victory, of which she has only two in this draw. Now the “blue team” has 8 points and a draw will not play in their hands.

In the final round, Mancini’s men beat the English 1-0, interrupting a two-game winning streak, in which they lost 2-5 to Germany and drew with the English (0-0).

Italy – The worst team in the group. It is last by goal difference, which is -3 (2: 5). In general, the guests scored 6 and missed 7. That is, mostly lost on the way.

The Italians blatantly did not make it to the World Cup, and if they can’t get around the Hungarians, then it will be a complete failure.

Forecast and tariff

The main quotes bookmaker the following: 4.20 Hungarian victory, 3.50 draw and 1.94 Italian victory.

Italy plays badly away. Even though he won 2: 1 last time, he will now have to play against a motivated team on his pitch.

Given Hungary’s recent success, it is worth paying attention to the result of “1X” for 1.91.

It is also very likely that many goals will not be scored because there is so much at stake. Bet – total less than 2.5 by 1.73.

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