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Hungary and Poland discriminate against sexual minorities

The European Commission has launched infringement proceedings against Poland and Hungary in response to laws passed by both countries which, according to Brussels, discriminate against sexual minorities.

Despite the condemnation of Brussels and the leaders of several Member States, in Hungary last week the so-called anti-pedophilia law came into force. It prohibits informing young people under the age of 18 about homosexuality and gender reassignment.

The Hungarian government claims that the new the purpose of the law is to protect children, while its opponents insist that the law equates pedophilia with homosexuality, stating that it is not acceptable.

According to the Hungarian government, Brussels’ actions are a “politically motivated attack”. In their view, Brussels has no right to interfere in the internal affairs of the Member States of the European Union, which are governed by their laws and constitutions, but attempts to implement such interference jeopardize the future of the European Union as a whole.

Brussels has also taken action against Poland, where there are about a hundred cities adopted resolutions against the LGBTQ community. Namely, they have stated that the representatives of these communities have no place in their municipalities. The European Commission also does not support this decision and intends to take appropriate action.

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