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Hungarian top politician resigns after Brussels sex party

Hungarian politician Jozsef Szajer was present at a sex party in Brussels on Friday evening. He thereby violated the Covid measures. Szajer is a prominent member of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s Fidesz party.

Last Saturday, the politician resigned from the European Parliament to the surprise of all of Hungary. Officially he did so ‘after a long period of reflection’ and ‘because he could no longer cope with the daily tension of the daily political struggle’. But that story turns out to be wrong.

This morning leaked through the Brussels newspaper The last hour explains that a Member of the European Parliament was caught on Friday trying to flee half-naked from a non-corona-proof gay party. On The standard it has been confirmed that it concerns Jozsef Szajer. The man himself just released a statement admitting that he attended what he calls ‘a house party’ on Friday. “I’m sorry I broke the rules about the gathering,” Szajer says. “That was very irresponsible of me, and I will bear the consequences for it.”

In his statement, the Hungarian politician does not say a word about the nature of the party, but he does say that he did not use drugs. Police say an ecstasy pill has been found. It’s not mine, I don’t know who left it there. I declared it that way to the police. ‘

Since Szajer published his announcement on his website, it has become practically unreachable because she cannot handle the pressure of traffic. The European website of the Fidesz party is also struggling.

Escape via drain pipe

The police raided the private party in Steenstraat in Brussels on Friday evening. On the first floor, the officers found 25 people, all mostly naked. There would also have been drugs present.

The MEP would have tried to escape through a drain pipe. But once caught by the agents, he would have appealed to his parliamentary immunity.

The attendees will in any case be fined 250 euros because the party was in violation of the covid measures. The further impact on the political career of Szajer, a loyal soldier of Victor Orban’s ruling party Fidesz, remains to be seen. In recent years, Fidesz has presented itself as a party that wants to end LGBT rights in Hungary.

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