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Hundreds of “yellow vests” demonstrate in Paris despite the coronavirus

Gatherings of more than 100 people are prohibited. “We had to come and mark it,” said one protester.

Through Le Figaro with Reuters

This is an illustration. This photo was taken in November 2019.
This is an illustration. This photo was taken in November 2019. KSCHiLI – stock.adobe.com

Several hundred “yellow vests” demonstrated Saturday, March 14 in Paris despite the ban on the assembly of more than 100 people taken by the government as part of the fight against the spread of the coronavirus in France.

Some 400 demonstrators – according to a police source – left Montparnasse station, in the 14th arrondissement of the capital, to join Bercy via Denfert Rochereau as part of this demonstration which had been declared.

We had to come and mark the occasion to tell Macron that we are still there and that we will not accept his pension reformSaid a pensioner present in the procession.

The prefecture of police said to intervene in the sector of boulevard Arago following abuses:

Several calls to demonstrate in other areas of Paris had also been launched despite the ban on gatherings of more than 100 people announced Friday by Prime Minister Edouard Philippe against the coronavirus which killed 79 people in France and contaminated 3600 people .

Published on Saturday, the decree specifies that this ban may apply to “all gatherings of more than 100 people as long as they are not essential to the continuity of the life of the Nation

Relying on the “common sense“, One of the figures of the movement of”Yellow vests“Maxime Nicolle warned protesters in a video released on Friday -“if tomorrow we demonstrate, we will pass for everything except intelligent people, we will endanger people and put themselves in danger

The organizers of two marches which were also planned for Saturday – one against police violence and the other for the climate – announced Friday their cancellation, evoking the “rapidly changing health situation

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