Home » today » World » Hundreds of thousands of Americans quickly get a ‘booster shot’ | Abroad

Hundreds of thousands of Americans quickly get a ‘booster shot’ | Abroad

At the end of last week, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cleared the way for the large-scale administration of those extra corona shots. The health service recommended that the booster shots be given to people over 65, people with certain medical problems and people who work in an environment where they are at high risk of being exposed to the virus.

Scientists in the US are divided about the usefulness and necessity of such an additional corona vaccination. The extra vaccination for fully vaccinated people should ensure that they are better protected against the virus. Critics have argued, among other things, that it is still unclear how great the long-term effects of a third vaccination are.

However, according to the White House, the extra corona shots immediately started to storm. In addition to the 400,000 people who, according to Zients, have already been vaccinated, “almost a million” other people are also said to have made an appointment for it. For the time being, the booster vaccines are only available to people who have had their second dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine at least six months earlier.

Several prominent Americans have also received a booster shot, including 78-year-old President Joe Biden. The Democrat rejected criticism that the US should provide vaccines to other countries before Americans get a third shot. “We are already helping. We are doing more than all the other countries in the world combined.”

While some Americans have already had a third shot, some of the more than 328 million inhabitants of the US have not yet been vaccinated at all. According to the CDC, about 70 million people are eligible for a corona vaccine.

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