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Hundreds of singers in Latvia and all over the world sing “The Longest Swing Song of the Century” / Article

On June 21, at the summer solstice, several hundred singers in Latvia and around the world will sing the “Longest Swing Song of the Century”, organized by Latvijas Radio 2 for the sixth year in a row. Following the path of the sun, choirs and folklore groups from different regions and even continents of Latvia will successively get involved in the swing.

This year, the song from Riga will be played by participants from Riga, Sigulda, Līgatne, Salacgriva, Jērcēni, Barkava, Cibla, Rēzekne, Daugavpils, Līvāni, Aizkraukle, Baldone, Iecava, Tērvete, Brocēni, Liepāja, Pāvilosta, Alsunga, Jaunpils, Roja diasporas – Graz in Austria, Adelaide in Australia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines in South America.

On June 21, the “Longest Swing Song of the Century” will start at sunrise at 4.29, when the first songs will be broadcast on the radio in the early morning, waiting for the longest day of the year.

Next, the song from east to west will run through the whole of Latvia and Latvian centers in Europe, Australia and elsewhere in the world, delaying every next hour for half an hour or an hour and playing live on Latvian Radio 2 for 5-7 minutes.

The sunset song will be performed in the heart of Riga, where it will be performed by the concert of the youth choir “Balsis” in the Dome Square.

You will be able to follow the course of the day on Latvian Radio 2, on the website and on social networks, as well as on lsm.lv.

More information about each ensemble can be found on the map with the locations of singers and singers:

From June 7 to 18, the swinging process was introduced by the series of shows “Ielīgošana”, in which the participants of the “Longest Swing Song of the Century” were contacted, Latvian swinging rituals and traditions were presented.

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