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Hundreds of film and television celebrities jointly boycotted Yu Zheng and Guo Jingming, participants revealed the reasons behind it-Finance News

unprecedented! Hundreds of film and television celebrities jointly boycott Yu Zheng and Guo Jingming!Participants: Just prepare for a few days

Source: 21 Caiwenhui

  Mr. Lu Xun’s Kong Yiji once said, “Stealing a book can’t be considered stealing… Stealing a book!… Can you count as stealing a scholar?”

  I didn’t expect this sentence to be outdated now.

  On December 21, a list of 111 people who jointly boycotted Yu Zheng and Guo Jingming shocked the entertainment industry.

  As a director and screenwriter, Yu Zheng’s representative works include “Beauty Scheming”, “Palace Locking Heart Jade”, “Story of Yanxi Palace”, etc.

  Guo Jingming also has a lot of them. “Illusory City”, “Sadness Against the River”, “Lord’s Path”, and the Little Times series have all been popular.

  The entertainment industry is a place where seniority is very serious.

  So, what did Yu Zheng and Guo Jingming do that aroused public anger?

  A joint boycott by 111 insiders

  On the evening of December 21, 111 film and television screenwriters, directors, producers, and writers including Qiong Yao, Gao Qunshu, Shu Huan, Wang Xiaoping, Zhao Dongling jointly issued an open letter of signatures, and issued a strong appeal to the industry and society in the middle of the winter solstice: plagiarism should not become Role models, publicly boycotting Yu Zheng and Guo Jingming as instructors of acting variety shows, criticizing the recent broadcasts of “Actors Please Get In” and “I Am an Actor 2” for chasing clicks, ratings, and gaining the audience’s attention. Screenwriter and director.

  The open letter stated that recently, in the variety shows of some online platforms and TV stations, screenwriters and directors (Yu Zheng, Guo Jingming) with plagiarism and bad traces have appeared as program mentors and guests, and they have made topical hype inside and outside the show to chase clicks. Rates, ratings, blogs.

  Especially Guo Jingming and Yu Zheng refused to enforce the court’s apology, Did not make any review of their illegal behavior. Such people are praised as mentors on online platforms and TV stations, and let them sell “success studies”, which has caused extremely bad influences in society and established very bad influences on young people. example.

  The open letter solemnly appeals,Immediately stop the publicity and hype of these “bad practitioners” and make changes and adjustments to related programs.The open letter also emphasizes: severely crack down on and punish screenwriters and directors who have illegal acts of plagiarism, media platforms should promote the righteousness of the times, promote artists who are both moral and artistic, and actively reject these inferior and unrepentant creators and refrain from plagiarism. Plagiarists provide a stage to drive them out of the public media.

  Currently, Guo Jingming and Yu Zheng have not yet responded to this.

  Participants revealed the reason behind

  As a member of the boycott camp, Song Fangjin told reporters that when Yu Zheng and Guo Jingming were mentors on variety shows such as “Please Take Your Place” and “I Am an Actor”, film and television practitioners in the circle were gathering in private. Or discuss this matter in the WeChat group,”At that time, everyone agreed that this would have an adverse effect on the atmosphere in the circle.

  “The preparation time for this public boycott is very short.Just a few days, But insiders have been discussing Yu Zheng and Guo Jingming as role models. “Song Fangjin said,There is no main sponsor for this public statement, “No one in our circle has such a big influence, and can mobilize more than one hundred people in the circle. This is a collective process.”

  After plagiarism, it was enforced again

  Yu Zheng’s plagiarism problem lay in the 2014 hit drama “The Palace Chain Linked City”.

  In December 2014, the famous Taiwanese writer Qiong Yao sued Yu Zheng for plagiarism, which was heard in court. Qiong Yao commissioned a lawyer to claim that Yu Zheng’s TV series and script “Plum Blossom Lao” almost completely used the novel and script of “Plum Blossom”, which seriously violated her right of adaptation and filming. Therefore, she filed 20 million against Yu Zheng and other 5 defendants. Yuan claim.

  Qiong Yao said in her personal letter: “The similarities between “Gong Suo Liancheng” and “Mei Hua Lao” written by Yu Zheng have reached an incredible level. It can be said,Almost all the plots of “Plum Blossom Lao” have been copied.If it wasn’t for the 20 episodes of “Plum Blossom” that were not long enough to be plagiarized, he would probably copy more. “

  But Yu Zheng’s lawyer responded that the script of “Plum Blossom Lao” had not been published. Since it has not been published, how did Yu get in touch with it? The so-called “scripts”, “novels” and “television dramas” of “Meihualao” can neither prove the ownership of the copyright nor prove that Yu Zheng had contact. Therefore, Qiong Yao’s accusation has no factual and legal basis.

  In the end, the case was judged that Yu Zheng and the related film and television company constituted infringement, and Yu Zheng needed to apologize publicly, stop copying, distributing, and disseminating the drama, and compensated for losses totaling RMB 5 million.

  However, no one thought that Yu Zheng did not fulfill the judgment and was eventually enforced by the court. The main content of the judgment was published in the Legal Daily.

Picture/Picture Worm

  Guo Jingming’s problem lies in his famous work “How Many Flowers Fall in Dreams”.

  In December 2003, Zhuang Yu claimed that the book “Knowing How Many Flowers and Falling in Dreams” had plagiarized his “Circle Inside and Outside”.

  A year later, in December 2004, Guo Jingming lost the first instance and immediately appealed. At the same time, he stated that he had never had any out-of-court contact with Zhuang Yu, and he did not consider reconciliation.

  On May 22, 2006, the Beijing Higher People’s Court made a final judgment, dismissing Guo Jingming’s appeal, ruling that Guo Jingming and the publisher should compensate Zhuang Yu 200,000 yuan for economic losses and 10,000 yuan for spiritual comfort. At the same time, Chunfeng Literature and Art Publishing House , Beijing Book Building was also ordered to stop publishing and selling the book “How Many Flowers Fall in Dreams”. The final judgment also requires Guo Jingming and the publishing house to apologize publicly in the “China Youth Daily” within 15 days.

  But Guo Jingming also refused to apologize. Later, the court had to enforce enforcement.

Picture/Orient IC

  Why refuse to apologize?

  Regarding plagiarism, Guo Jingming’s attitude is not willing to talk more.

  In an interview, the host asked this question boldly, and Guo Jingming was so embarrassed that he kept drinking.

  Unexpectedly, the host continued to ask very ignorantly. Guo Jingming really couldn’t cope with it, so he had to end the question with the sentence “next”.

In contrast, Yu Zheng is much more generous on this topic in front of the camera.

  Yu Zheng said that Chinese TV dramas have been in development for so many years, so dare you say which section has not been used.

  In order to prove that he was right, he even pulled Guo Jingming out as a “negative teaching material.”

  Feng Shui turns around.

  It is estimated that he never dreamed that one day he and Guo Jingming would be boycotted by hundreds of film and television celebrities.

  Can work plagiarism become a tutor?

  Although Guo Jingming and Yu Zheng’s plagiarism were both upset at one time,Since then, the two of them are still mixed in the film and television circles.

  Guo Jingming’s “Qing Ya Ji” will be released on December 25th.Yu Zheng also became popular again in 2018 with “Strategy of Yanxi Palace”.

  Especially in the past two years,The two also became mentors of actors and actresses in competitive variety shows.Among them, Guo Jingming appeared on “The Actor, Please Be Here”, and Yu Zhengze was invited by “I Am an Actor”.Due to their sharp rhetoric in the show, the two often appeared on hot searches.

  In other words, can plagiarism work as a mentor?

  Hundreds of film and television celebrities who couldn’t figure it out simply issued a joint article to boycott the two.

  To put it bluntly, what they hate is not Guo Jingming and Yu Zheng, but plagiarism.

  It is worth noting thatSuch plagiarism is not uncommon in the film and television industry.

  According to statistics from the Daily Business News at the beginning of this yearSince 2014, nearly 15 popular film and television dramas have sparked the dispute of “plagiarism”.“Zhen Huan”, “Langya Bang”, “Flower Thousand Bone”, “Splendid Weiyang”, “Sansheng III Shili Peach Blossom”, “Chu Qiao Chuan”, etc., have all been caught in the suspected plagiarism infringement of the original works.

  In 2016, the TV series of the same name adapted from “Splendid Weiyang” was officially aired and became a popular TV series at the time.

  However, since the novel “Splendid Wei Young” was published in June 2012, it has been suspected of plagiarism.

  According to statistics from netizens, the book is suspected of plagiarizing more than 200 novels, and only 9 of the 294 chapters have not been plagiarized.

  In response to this, 11 writers chose to sue Zhou Jing, the original author of “Splendid Weiyang” in 2017, to the court, claiming that they plagiarized a large number of their own words in “Splendid Weiyang” without consent.

  In the end, the court determined that the defendant Zhou Jing had infringed and ordered him to compensate the plaintiff Shen Wenwen for economic losses of 120,000 and 16,500 for rights protection expenses, a total of 136,500 yuan within 10 days from the effective date.

  It seems that a good screenwriter, in addition to helping film and television dramas get high box office or ratings, also has to withstand the question of plagiarism. . . . . .

  Part of this article comes from: Red Star News, Daily Economic News, Beijing Times

Massive information, accurate interpretation, all in Sina Finance APP

Editor in charge: Liu Wanli SF014

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