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Hundreds of athletes complete the triathlon in Erlabrunn

The 14th Laufstil Würzburg Triathlon took place on Sunday at the Erlabrunn bathing lake and in the surrounding area with temperatures up to 37 degrees. After a two-year break due to the pandemic, the 700 participants (almost 1000 had registered) who dared to go on the route despite the conditions were supported by many helpers and spectators.

Fabian Rind, who started for TSV Unterpfaffenhofen-Germering, finished the “Frankenman”, as the long-distance (4.1 kilometers down the Main swim, 180 kilometers bike and 42.195 kilometers run) is called in reference to the somewhat better-known Ironman, after 10:36:45 hours as a winner. Local hero Lukasz Wojt used the home advantage, winning the middle distance (2.1 km swim, 95 km bike ride and 20 km run) in 4:28:33 hours. Kevin Antoni from ETSV Lauda won the Olympic distance (1500 meters swimming, 38 kilometers cycling and 10 kilometers running) in 2:05:04 hours and the people’s distance (300 meters swimming, 34 kilometers cycling, 5 kilometers) won Carl Sommer at 1:19:27.

Operations management of the BRK satisfied

“It’s borderline because there isn’t much shade along the route and the bike course is very difficult,” admitted Jan Diekow from the event team. But triathletes are often a bit crazy, some even think: the harder, the better. Fortunately, most of them would have recognized their limits in time and then slowed down or stopped completely. “Self-assessment is very important in triathlon,” explained Diekow while the Frankenman distance was still running.

The rescue services, which were on site with 7 doctors and 140 helpers, had to take care of about 15 athletes until the early evening, mostly because of heat-related complaints. The doctors even sent one patient to the hospital for further monitoring. Due to the good preparation, the mission, in which the BRK Würzburg was supported by the Kitzingen and Main-Spessart district associations, went very well. Operations manager Lukas Demling and the senior physician Dr. Max Kippnich was satisfied overall with the course of the day-long event, the BRK announced when asked by this editorial team.

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