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Hundreds of arrests in corona protest, water cannon deployed | Abroad

Ten officers were injured, police reported Wednesday evening. A police woman who was kicked in the head when she took off her helmet has been taken to a hospital.

During the day, 2,400 agents were deployed throughout the city in the demonstrations that attracted 7,000 people. In the afternoon, water cannons and tear gas were used against the mostly maskless demonstrators. Except for a few places, it became quieter in the course of the evening in the German capital.

The police were pelted with stones and bottles, and some protesters used pepper spray. The Bundestag, where parliament passed a law to anchor corona measures, had been impeached by the police. On an earlier occasion, demonstrators had stormed the Bundestag, after which there was much criticism of the protest movement.

MPs accused colleagues of the populist AfD party of driving opponents of the corona measures into the parliament building. They then harassed politicians by filming them showy and making comments about their corona policy.

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