[ワシントン 18日 ロイター] – Hundreds detained or missing during Russian occupation of Kherson province in southern Ukraine, dozens of whom may have been tortured, says Yale University A report compiled by researchers in
The report was prepared by the Yale School of Public Health’s Humanitarian Laboratory. The laboratory is affiliated with the Conflict Observatory, a project funded by the US Department of State.
226 people were detained or disappeared in Kherson between March and October, about a quarter of them tortured and five killed, according to a report obtained by Reuters ahead of its release on Wednesday.
Of the 226 detained or missing, it said most were detained by Russian forces or the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), and identified 12 locations used for detention and interrogation in Kherson and Crimea. At least 55 cases involved beatings, electric shocks and other acts that could constitute torture under international law, he said.
“Russia must cease these activities and withdraw its troops to end this pointless war,” the report said. Nathaniel Raymond, head of the Office of Humanitarian Research, said the report confirmed US warnings about Russia’s capture and killing of civilians.
The Russian Defense Ministry announced on the 11th of this month that the withdrawal from the city of Kherson has been completed. Russian forces occupied the city in March, shortly after the invasion began. It was the only Ukrainian capital held by the Russian army.