managed to make hundreds ofarrests in the days leading up to themega event.sebastán invested ace aboutthis theme and has the latest indetails.>> more than 15 law enforcement agenciesthey worked in the previous daysto the super taon to identifywhat they already anticipatedwould happen before the eventdeportivo.prostitution cases,aggressions and human trafficking.>> it’s an operation that startedend of January.>> we are linked to teleónicawith the police departmentand spokespersons indicate that theobjective of the operation wasprovide help to victims ofintercept activitiesrelated to theprostitution>> some that are trying.just one of the things thatwere.>> in the operations100 agents participated andis that besides the super taonin parallel, others attendedmega events like the tournament ofgolf.>> we have to remember that thetreatment of the human being islucrative and especially thesepeople are going to choose thoseevents where they will bring youa lot of money and those eventslend for those situations.>> as part of this operationfive different ones were madeactions in cities likephoenix.348 arrests were made, ofwhich 300 are for crimesminors.of those 300 crimes,approximately 120 peoplethey had been the ones who triedhave sexual relations.and of the nearly 300 arrests, 48correspond to people whoface criminal chargesgraves.In addition, it was possible to recoverfive minor victims and oneadult person and confiscateseven firearms.a criminal scheme thatworks on lies.>> basically grab them withtricks.They promise you a different lifemore income, things thatunfortunately they do not comply.they usually happen in schools,shopping malls, storeson our social networks.>> if you or someone whoyou know is a victim cancontact the department ofpoliía.experts suggest that the bestprevention of this problemtimes could be insidecasa.>> we have to have that