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Hunan Zhuzhou School Hospital is Now Extending Shutdown and Inspection Times to Arouse Public Resentment | Continue closing and checking | Public dissatisfaction

[Epoch Times, 9 novembre 2022](Epoch Times reporter Fang Xiao reported) Because many students from a middle school in Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province have been diagnosed with the CCP virus (new coronal pneumonia), a hospital has also been released.epidemic in progressfrom 8 to extend the “silent management” again. The decision causedpopular dissatisfaction

The Disciplinary Commission of Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province, has reported two cases of non-compliance with the prevention and control of epidemics. Together is the problem of middle school n. 1 of Zhuzhou.

According to the report, recently, many students of middle school No. 1 in Zhuzhou, confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia were diagnosed, saying that since middle school “mishandled emergencies,” many people were infected and poured into society. As a result, the deputy secretary of the middle school party committee No. 1 of the city of Zhuzhou, President Chen Song and other officials were fired.

The Zhuzhou Municipal Commission for Disciplinary Inspection did not specify when students from No. 1 in Zhuzhou and the number of students she was diagnosed with.

According to the news of the Hunan Health Commission on November 8, 3 new cases were confirmed in the city of Zhuzhou and 30 new cases of asymptomatic infection were added.

Another is the abandonment of the duty of the hospital n. 2 of Zhuzhou. According to reports, on November 1, the No. 2 of Zhuzhou did not strictly enforce medical care management requirements, resulting in a patient with fever (later diagnosed as a confirmed case of new coronary pneumonia) being exposed to a crowded medical location, resulting in more people isolated. Several hospital executives were informed of criticism.

Zhuzhou’s official announcement sparked heated discussions. Some netizens have claimed that “this kind of treatment is inappropriate and unreasonable” and “speechless”. Some network users have expressed different views.

Zhuzhou city officials announced that they are extending the silent handling time.

Zhuzhou official issued a notice in the afternoon of November 7 to continue extending the silence handling time: from 0:00 on November 8 to 24:00 on November 10, continue to operate in the main urban area (including Tianyuan District, Hetang District, Shifeng District and Lusong District). , Zhuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone, Lukou District) to implement silent management.

On November 3, the city of Zhuzhou issued a warning about increasingly strict silent management. On the 4th, a notice was issued on the extension of the silence management time, and it was decided to continue from 0:00 on 5 November to 24:00 on 7 November in the main urban area (comprising the Tianyuan district, the of Hetang, Shifeng District, Lusong District and Zhuzhou Economic Development Zone) Silence management is implemented within the Lukou District and District.

Many netizens expressed dissatisfaction with the continued extension of silent handling time by the Zhuzhou government.

“Qiran helga” published 8: Zhuzhou sealed the three inner and three outer floors everywhere. Today it is sealed directly to the front door. The supplies are not delivered here and the supermarkets are not open, and there is no place to buy (things), you can’t go out and you have nothing to take in, do you really think you’re starving people at home? If you seal it, seal it, don’t you think of the most basic human life?

“Curly Maomao”: Omg, when will Zhuzhou city be unlocked? At first my father was at home, because I found out that two days ago I had been locked up after leaving work. I couldn’t go home, so I could only live in a work unit. There was also an aa cat at home and I haven’t eaten for several days. I am studying in Tianjin again, so I can only do it in a hurry! I don’t know why such a universal management model is implemented.

“Broken eggs in the world”: the secretary of the middle school n. 1 of Zhuzhou was exempted because he told leaders at all levels not to overdo the prevention of epidemics, but take full responsibility if there is a problem. Therefore, the upcoming epidemic prevention measures in Zhuzhou need to be stricter than loosened and silence is expected to continue for a period of time.

Responsible editor: Li Muen

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