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Humpback Whales Caught Engaging in Homosexual Behavior for the First Time in Maui Waters – Exclusive Photos and Details

Feb 29, 2024 at 12:25 AM Update: 3 hours ago

Scientists have captured two humpback whales having sex with each other for the first time. What makes it extra special is that it concerns two males. It is the first time that scientists have evidence of homosexual behavior among humpback whales.

The intimate encounter took place in the waters of Maui, an island of Hawaii. That happened in January 2022, reports The Guardian. The two whales approached a boat and made love about 10 to 15 feet below the ship.

Stephanie Stack, one of the whale researchers, calls it “a unique and remarkable event” to witness the mating between the two male whales.

The researchers saw one of the whales holding the other in place with its pectoral fins as it penetrated with its penis. The whale hanging underneath looked sick. He was emaciated and covered in whale lice, the researchers said.

Rare to observe humpback whale penis

Scientists have been studying humpback whales for decades, but it is rare to see the male’s penis. They are usually hidden in the so-called ‘genital fissure’ to streamline swimming.

Out the research shows that cetaceans, such as humpback whales, can use the genital slit for same-sex penetration. They can do this, among other things, to practice for offspring or to show some kind of dominance.

Homosexual behavior is more common in the animal kingdom. It has previously been observed among dolphins and orcas, but never among humpback whales.

Foto: Stephanie H. Stack

Beeld: Stephanie Stack, Lyle Krannichfeld & Brandi Romano

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2024-02-28 23:25:49
#Sexing #humpback #whales #recorded #time #males #Animals

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