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Humans Marry Goats, Muhammadiyah-NU Gresik Asks the Ministry of Religion to Immediately intervene

GresikEast Java- Phenomenal event with a reception wedding human with goat women in Jogodalu village, Benjeng sub-district, Gresik regency, last Sunday (5/6/) were quickly responded by two Islamic organizations in Gresik namely NOT and Muhammadiyah. The two leaders of the largest religious organizations agreed, urging the perpetrators to stop their activities even though the activities were for certain reasons.

In fact, apart from asking the perpetrators to repent immediately. And if they are Muslims, the leaders of the two Ormas ask the Ministry Office Religion (Kemenag) Gresik Regency immediately intervened to conduct coaching.

Chairman of the Regional Leadership of Muhammadiyah (PDM) Gresik, Mohammad In’am, emphasized that the behavior of marriage between a man and a female goat was completely beyond common sense.

Apart from being a form of deviation, if left unchecked, this case has the potential to damage true religious teachings, which are known to uphold common sense.

“In addition to making the perpetrators repent quickly, the authorities in this case the Ministry of Religion must quickly intervene. I am worried that if it is not handled immediately, the reaction of the people in the field will make the atmosphere even more cloudy. Lha wong sing ayu-ayu if akeh, why choose wedhus (there are still many beautiful women, why choose goats). This is a clearly misleading deviation,” said In’am when contacted by reporters, Monday (6/6/2022) night.

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