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Humanitarian Crisis in Ukraine: Caritas Española’s Response and Impact

Humanitarian emergency in Ukraine

The other projects and strategies that have required a greater financial effort and people served have been those of International Cooperation. In 2022, more than 23.6 million euros were allocated and 1,270,274 people were served, 26% more than the previous year. A good part of this increase was motivated by the humanitarian emergency caused by the war in Ukraine and which has caused the forced displacement of a third of its population.

Cáritas Española supported 48,084 people in Ukraine and 7,883 in neighboring countries. In Spain, the action of the Confederation to welcome and accompany individuals and families from that European country has also been a substantial part of the response to the emergency. Throughout 2022, the diocesan Caritas network served 5,378 Ukrainian people.

“Without a doubt, responding to the humanitarian needs of millions of people affected by the terrible war has been our main task in 2022. At the same time, we have continued with our work in 40 other countries in the Americas, Asia, the Middle East, North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa in a stable and consolidated way, weaving a fraternal commitment to cooperation and collaboration to make possible a mission that is common to us: reaching the people in situations of greatest vulnerability and poverty, wherever they are”, underlined the secretary general.

The other programs that used the most resources over the past year were those for the homeless (38.8 million), the elderly (35 million) and the family, childhood and youth programs (29.6 million), to name the most relevant.

This important economic effort (some 54 million more than in 2021) has been possible thanks to the generous support of thousands of partners, donors and private collaborators, who have contributed more than 304.2 million. Along with this, the effort of the different Public Administrations also stands out, which contributed a total of 152.9 million euros to the Cáritas programs. 24.2% more than the previous year.

Our global revenue balance this year has been 66% from private sources and 33% from public administrations.

maximum austerity

Even though in the last two years the Confederation has put into play a significant increase in economic resources due to the impact of the inflationary crisis, it has been possible to maintain the austerity objective in the Management and Administration section. It has even dropped to 5.9%. In other words, of every 100 euros invested in actions to combat poverty, only 5.9 euros have been allocated to management expenses. “We have been in this percentage of management expenses for 20 years,” stressed the general secretary of Cáritas Española.

The Report also collects the data of the people behind all this confederal activity, sustained thanks to 72,447 volunteers and 5,531 contract workers.

political proposals

Facing the next general elections, the general secretary of Cáritas reviewed the eight political proposals that the institution has presented to the parties of the entire parliamentary arc to be incorporated into their electoral programs.

This battery of initiatives -which have been presented in the last calls with a positive result, since they have been reflected in some way in the regulations approved during the legislature- are the result of a consultation process that began in February 2022 and in which nearly 1,000 accompanied people have participated throughout the territory.

In these proposals, Cáritas claims from measures to prevent residential exclusion, the right to good administration, a comprehensive care plan, or inclusive employment policies, among other things.

It also proposes a migration policy that includes opportunities beyond the labor market, guaranteeing effective protection for victims of sexist violence, and an international cooperation policy that helps strengthen civil society.

“Shared Commitment”

During the presentation, the president of Cáritas Española recalled that the figures in the Report “represent a shared commitment that unites us and that pushes us not to look the other way in the face of the suffering of others. What motivates us to accompany them on their way to a better situation”.

Manuel Bretón also took advantage of his speech to thank “the great support” provided by companies, institutions, partners, private donors, volunteers and State Administrations. “To all of them, thank you. Because your help allows us to give visibility to situations of vulnerability and react effectively to the challenges they pose to us”.




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