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refrigerator withoutmention it to the authorities,not even their ownfamily members.>> He came here with his son,The suspect is 48 years oldage approximately.>> sheriff’s officersThey arrived at a residencelooking for a manto whom his relatives do nothad seen each other for a long time.>> someone started talking to himofficial playing the role of thevictim.>> after this,relatives of the victimThey entered the house accompaniedby department officialsdel sheriff,who found insideof the son of man but of as,another surprise.>> when the officer looked insidefrom the refrigerator,He saw parts of a human being,He took out all the people in the houseand now we know that theperson we think is thevictimis dead inside the house.>> It’s a little weird that aperson who dies is insidefrom a refrigerator, then,illegal to have a bodywithout making it known?>> if it is illegal to have a bodyin that way,but for now it is not possiblereally say if i kill himOr is it also possible that theman died of natural causesand it is suspicious that he put it thereBecause if I know that the checksof the government has put it in thebanco,That means to me that somethingpassed by,Now it is not possible to say whether it isa homicide.>> As you say, there is nosufficient information foras a killer however,at this moment it is taking placean intense investigation fordeterminetrue responsibility