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Human Engineering – Albilad Newspaper

Can you believe that scientists around the world are working to invent techniques and technologies to develop, modify and redesign the genetic pathway of embryos in their early beginnings so that they can be formed in their mothers’ womb … even before they process. fertilization?
Can you believe that pregnancy and childbirth are carried out through artificial wombs in laboratories and laboratories .. where this modification, modification and development of genes occurs during the stages of fertilization, pregnancy and childbirth ?.
Do you believe it is possible for spouses to sit down with their genetic and engineering specialists … and discuss the type of newborn they want to create and deliver … in terms of genetic traits, gender, color, physical, mental and psychological abilities … with the goal of realizing their dreams through the specifications of the fetuses selected for their newborns ?! ..

Entrepreneur and billionaire Elon Musk says the mixed marriage between man and technology is on the way and is inevitable. the capabilities and capabilities of the machine, which will replace man in many jobs .. That the human being will work side by side with the machine, but rather complement each other .. Otherwise, the machine will surpass the human being as a result of the introduction of applied artificial intelligence algorithms .. and perhaps the result of that conflict leads to the danger of the annihilation of humanity, as Stephen Hawking says .. an English physicist ..
What is meant by pairing technology with humans is to focus on developing and improving physical, mental, psychological and sensory abilities … by implanting electronic chips and portable and wearable prosthetic limbs in the human body … in order to give him abilities that overcome his nature and overcome his sensory, auditory, visual and motor disabilities. Rather, it allows him to fly and breathe in the depths of the sea, and enable him to withstand various types of climatic conditions and conditions of nature that envelop the universe and the gravity of the planets.

It should be noted that the next scientific breakthrough is the implantation of electronic chips into the brains of humans that allow them to communicate and manage the Internet through mental commands and neural signals.
This will necessarily have to reflect on the concept of traditional health care and transform it into digital health, which requires specialists with technical health qualifications, operating theaters, resuscitation and delivery rooms equipped with technical workshops not typical of traditional health facilities, as well as different health insurance systems.

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