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Human brain in a mouse? What can go wrong?

For the first time, scientists placed human brain cells in another animal. The recipient was a young mouse, which did not lose cells. According to Stanford University in the United States, where the experiment was conducted, it is a step towards a cure for brain disorders such as severe autism and schizophrenia.

Researchers used human stem cells to create a primitive version of the human cerebral cortex – yes which can. They put it in the mouse cup. To ensure that they could follow the development of the brain part, it was processed with a fluorescent protein, so that it was clearer during the scans (photo).

It worked, the cells became part of the mice’s brains. In fact, the researchers saw that the cells are gone collaborate with rat cells, especially when processing observations. Thus, the part of the human brain began to perform tasks that would normally have been performed by the mouse brain itself. Show that you can at least partially transplant your brain.

This opens up the possibility of performing this type of surgery on humans in the future. You may be able to support damaged brains by adding a new piece of the brain. Research on rats showed that human brain cells had developed further in their brains and that they really were element he had become a mouse.

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