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Hulk’s Bicycle Kick Helps Atlético-MG Win, But He Faces Suspension in Libertadores

The night was hectic for striker Hulk, one of the protagonists of the Atlético-MG in the victory and classification by the Libertadores. Galo advances to the group stage after beating Millonarios 3-1. Hulk scored the third in style: a bicycle submission. However, he is suspended from the tournament.

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Hulk extols victory and ranking of Atlético-MG: “Team delivery from the beginning”

He will certainly be missing in Atlético’s debut in the competition, on April 5, since the yellows only reached zero from the round of 16. The Rooster will meet his group in a draw on the 27/3. In addition to the great goal, Hulk gave the pass to Paulinho’s first goal, in a beautiful cross in the back of the defense.

“Strong collective tonight, thank our fans who came in force. The team did very well, we could score more goals. We delivered. It was a good performance, and we hope to be better prepared for Saturday’s game”.

The player has been cautioned in every game he has played so far in the Libertadores, and has three yellow cards: the second leg against Carabobo and the duels against Millonarios. Hulk did not face Carabobo in the first leg. I had Covid-19.


Striker Hulk had a goal, assist and yellow card in Libertadores — Photo: Pedro Souza/CAM

The attacker got yellow in the second half in a dispute for the ball inside the area. The referee understood that the attacker left his arm hitting Vanegas, a Millonarios player, who also received a yellow card for the move.

In addition to Hulk, Atlético also had an alert on Paulinho, who also has two yellow cards. The number 10 came through the arbitration unharmed, in addition to having scored two goals in this Wednesday’s victory.

In this edition of Libertadores, the cards only “zeroed out” from the round of 16 onwards. In addition, each card has a fine applied to the club. The entity invests US$ 400 (R$ 2 thousand) per yellow card in the games of the “preliminary phase” and in the group stage of the competition, and US$ 500 in the knockout round, until the semifinal. In the final, each yellow card costs $2,000.

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At 42 min of the 2nd half – goal from inside the area by Hulk of Atlético-MG against Millonarios

Watch: all about Atlético no ge, Globo and Sportv

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