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Huila Grande Government agrees projects with the Ministry of Agriculture to strengthen the agricultural sector

Among the initiatives being studied are progress in agrarian reform, agro-industrialization, expansion of the green machinery fleet, renovation and fertilization plans for coffee plantations, environmental protection and agrotourism.

Thanks to the efforts led by Governor Rodrigo Villalba Mosquera, productive working groups have been developed with the Ministry of Agriculture to define strategic projects in the agricultural sector that the departmental government is interested in promoting jointly.

It is worth noting that these projects presented to the national government have been previously discussed by the Secretary of Agriculture and Mining, Carlos Alberto Cuéllar Medina, with the productive sectors of the department, based on the analysis of the sector where the crucial issues in which improvement is required are identified.

Undoubtedly, among the major commitments of the departmental government, as set out in the Development Plan, is to move towards the consolidation of a more productive and sustainable rural Huila, where the inclusion of small rural producers, the offer of financial services and risk management for agricultural and rural activities, social planning and productive use of rural territory, the use of external markets, agricultural health and agri-food safety, agricultural science, technology and innovation, as well as productive infrastructure and marketing are essential.

The projects

In this regard, during his recent visit to Huila, the Vice Minister of Rural Development, Polivio Leandro Rosales, said that some important strategic projects for the department have already been decided.

“We have had the opportunity to talk with the governor and the secretary of agriculture about the importance of developing strategies that allow us to first strengthen the value chains that are important for the country. In these strategies, we believe it is important to first move forward on a national agrarian reform system that makes these types of products visible. In concrete strategies, we believe it is important to move forward on agro-industrialization through green machinery that allows for greater production. Likewise, within the announcements made by the governor, it is important to discuss how we can coordinate actions on environmental issues with the CAM, especially in the exercise of closing agricultural borders and allowing for the conversion of some crops, in addition to the renewal of coffee plantations, especially for the department of Huila, since for 5 years the national government has not made progress in this exercise, and today it is one of the bets from the high government at a general level. I believe that these scenarios and strategies will be framed within the National Agrarian Reform system, together with scenarios such as the Formalization of lands for peasant agriculture, which is a key exercise in order to also be productive.” said the Deputy Minister of Rural Development.

Advances from the departmental government

It is worth remembering that the government of Huila has already been making efforts in these areas, mainly in the coffee sector, where projects such as the renovation of coffee plantations have been implemented, with an investment of over $6.8 billion, diversification of crops in coffee-growing areas for $9.8 billion; delivery of equipment to improve coffee processing processes and reduce contamination by waste water, in the order of $3,898,034,291, in addition to other important science and technology projects, strengthening of the productive infrastructure, and decontamination of water sources through the implementation of green filters, developed in conjunction with producer organizations and cooperatives (Cadefihuila and Coocentral).

In terms of formalization of rural properties, the departmental government has also taken action, through the sanction of two ordinances (005 and 006 of 2024) by Governor Rodrigo Villalba, which grant exemption in the payment of taxes to the actors of the territory who are immersed in the regularization processes, both with the Government of Huila, as with the National Land Agency – ANT, which adds to the processes of awareness of rural residents, and formalization of properties advanced by the Land Office of the Secretariat of Agriculture and Mining.

Regarding the expansion of the green machinery park, the government of Huila has also made a significant investment with resources in the order of $3,837,969,119, impacting 782 small rice producers in the municipalities of Campoalegre, Palermo, Villavieja, and Yaguará, in addition to co-financing the rice storage, drying, threshing and packaging project in the juncal for more than $14 billion.

These projects are in addition to the construction of the limestone crushing and grinding plant, where the Government of Huila invested more than $4 billion. These works, together with the calcining furnace financed by the Ministry of Mines and Energy, will allow the mineral wealth of the department to be used, not only for the construction industry, but also for the production of agricultural amendments and fertilizers to improve agricultural production.

In this way, the Huila Grande government demonstrates its high commitment to the agricultural sector, one of the pillars of the socioeconomic development of the department, which catapults it as a power in food production.

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