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Boris Johnson has announced the measures that his Government will take for this new phase of the fight against the pandemic. The premier Briton has considerably opened the hand regarding everything related to social contacts, meetings, access to leisure places and travel possibilities, with the aim of gradually recovering normality. The situation has changed substantially thanks to the massive vaccination campaign that was launched before any other European country, so that in the United Kingdom the so-called group immunity or herd immunity has almost been achieved.

As a culmination of the measures, which soften the situation of estrangement between people for more than a year, Boris Johnson has announced that it is time for hugs. The moment of hugging tightly after so many months is forbidden to touch.

Embrace each other. Good formula to overcome misfortunes feeling the affection of those close to you not only through words spoken from afar. Hugging yourself to feel the warmth of those who love you and want to express their feelings without as many barriers as those that were forced by the damn virus and by the authorities.

The first thing Boris Johnson would have to try is the hug with Dominic Cummings, the advisor who allowed him to win the referendum of the Brexi but that now, after being terminated, he threatens to remove everything that is under the carpets to the point that Johnson could lose the Government. In Spain, Sánchez has nothing to worry about, Iván Redondo will be loyal to him until death even if in the future he works for another leader or another party; in fact, he could tell about internal affairs of the PP after working for Monago, Basagoiti and Albiol and he has not done so. For loyalty … or because there is nothing to tell.

This country would be better if the political leaders embraced each other more, treated each other with more affection. The spectacle of seeing how a president blames everyone for the Madrid fiasco, including friends, instead of reflecting on the role he has played himself, is one of hallucinating colors; as is what happens in Ciudadanos, where the leaks show that there is never a greater desire to embrace than when power is shared; when losing it, the hug does not paint anything. At the other extreme, the desire to embrace Errejón after his Madrid success begins.

Of course, Johnson’s formula is very good at overcoming the ravages of the pandemic. If there were also massive ones in politics, both among like-minded and among adversaries, the future would be hopeful.

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