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Hugely Disappointed Actor: Showbiz colleagues abandon Ferry Doedens

The actor, who was fired in the summer of 2020, has repeatedly stated that he is open to a return to the soap opera. At the time, he was fired for openly ignoring existing crown measures on two occasions. “If they call me, I’ll be sure to talk,” Ferry recently told Story.

Cold relationship

The producers have announced that they have no plans for the moment to revive his role, but that they do not rule out anything. It seems that the latter has been said more for the outside world. Because the connection between Ferry, who has been on the GTST set for more than thirteen years, and the creators of the series seems pretty interesting. It’s more the rule than the exception that when one of the (former) cast members has a premiere, a lot of coworkers come to watch.

To wish good luck

This has happened more than once in Ferry in the past. When he played starring roles in big musicals like Wicked, Grease, The Bodyguard and Silent in Me, many of his colleagues came to the premiere to wish him luck. This was also the expectation last week when Ferry premiered his first solo performance Only Ferry at Amsterdam’s De Meervaart theater. However, much to Ferry’s chagrin, this did not happen …

The article continues after the announcement

Image: Peter Smulders

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